
3DScrogged 🔧 Musical 🎧 Tao's Bella: Sequence of Unfolding Grace (scheme in week 6)

21 hours ago
Room Type
weeks 3
weeks 4-7
weeks 4-9
weeks 6-9, 11-12
Grow medium
Grow medium
Grow medium
Coco Coir
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 5
18 hrs
Light Schedule
15+ conditions after
4+ nutrients after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
MyDearDiary MyDearDiary
3 months ago
W5.D1(32) Embarking on week 5 of our grow with a spirit of rejuvenation! 🌟🌱 The growth has finally bounced back in a way that makes sense to me. 🙌🌿 I'm continuing to revel in the art of 3DScrog; I've removed unused sections from the top grid to diminish shadowing. 🛠️☀️ The upward growth has also been cleverly halted by a piece of cardboard. 📦✂️ For a detailed photo tutorial on crafting 3DScrog parts, check out my Instagram @mydeardiary420. 📸🔗🌐 W5.D2(33) Ah, the tide of melancholy begins to wane, ushering in brighter days ahead. 🌤️✨ From the soil of my previous grow, the nemesis of my tranquility emerged - the dreaded fungus gnat larvae. 🍄🚫 Neem oil, though valiant in its attempt, failed to vanquish these unwelcome guests. 🛡️❌ But lo! A solution as clear as the dawn's first light presented itself - hydrogen peroxide, a molecule bursting with eagerness to shed its extra oxygen atom, transforming joyously into stable H2O. 💧🎉 This active oxygen, a veritable knight in shining armor, wields its high reactivity like a sword, slicing through the cellular structures of microorganisms, including the villainous larvae, oxidizing their cell membranes and inner components into oblivion. 🛡️⚔️🔬 Yet, amidst this battlefield, our green allies stand resilient, fortified by their antioxidant defense systems. These natural protectors, including enzymes like catalase and peroxidase, swiftly dismantle the hydrogen peroxide into harmless water and oxygen, shielding the plant cells from harm. 🌱💚🛡️ The larvae, lacking such sophisticated defenses, meet their demise. 🚫🐛 In my continued homage to Occam's razor, elegantly simplifying the complexities of my grow, I've gracefully excised two central sections of the lower grid, finding them superfluous in our journey towards optimization. 🌿✂️🔄 With a flourish, I've also refined the cardboard's anchorage atop, ensuring every element serves its purpose with minimalistic grace. 📏🔧🎨 This dance of adjustment and refinement brings harmony and efficiency to our green haven. 🍃💃🕺 W5.D3(34) The third day ushers in greater development, a tapestry of growth unfolding before my eyes. 🌱✨ Though I still notice the scars of past afflictions on a few leaves, casualties of partially tainted soil, she has bravely sent her roots deeper into the new, pristine mixed earth beneath. 🍂🌿➡️ Yesterday, I repositioned the irrigation tubes with the help of 3DScrog, ensuring water flows freely, banishing the specter of stagnation (and potential bloom of unwelcome guests). 🚰💧🛠️ Doing so was not just convenient, but also immensely satisfying, a testament to the joy found in nurturing and the art of adjustment. 🌟👩‍🌾💕 W5.D4(35) What's new on the horizon? 🌈✨ As I continue my journey to discover the most effective paths for growth, an interesting update has unfolded. The average grid, which once acted as a cardboard barrier, hindering the primary stalk's growth, has ascended higher 🌱🌷. This move ensures it no longer obstructs. Now, an imaginative cardboard cap with ventilation holes takes its place, guiding the airflow 🍃🌬️. I'm eager to see the outcomes of this experiment. Encased in a cardboard bell, it's an amusing adventure indeed! 😄🌟 Let's embrace this with optimism and see where this growth journey takes us! 🚀💖 W5.D5(36) 🎩🐊🔧 The fitting of the makeshift cap for the central stem on a small clip didn’t hit the mark, pushing me towards inventive solutions. 🚫🖨️🔫 Faced with the absence of a 3D printer, I found resourcefulness in molding the shape with a glue gun, embracing the challenge with a creative twist. 📈🖨️🌟 Brighter news ahead! The initial models for 3D-printed attachments are poised and ready. I'm eager to bring them to life and undergo testing in the coming days. 💦🛠️🚿 The irrigation system also presented a puzzle; water flowed suboptimally through two of the four tubes due to an ill-chosen angle. 🔧💡✅ A venture into adjusting the flow with clips seemed the path, yet, a simple realignment of attachments cleared the hurdle effortlessly, bypassing the need for clips. 👀🌿📚 Stay tuned for further developments as we navigate through these challenges, optimizing and innovating with every step. W5.D6(37) 💦🔧🚫🤔✨ The water supply system's initial setup fell short of my expectations, prompting a thoughtful redesign. 🛠️📏🔄🌊💡 To ensure an even distribution of pressure across all four tubes, I strategically placed all T-connectors on a singular platform, harmonizing the lengths of the tubes. 📐💧✂️🌿🚀 This meticulous arrangement means water travels an identical path to both the nearest and furthest points, mirroring efficiency with precision. 🛁🍃🎈🛠️🌟 Embracing these changes not only eliminated superfluous parts but also simplified the system's structure, enhancing both its functionality and ease of use. W5.D7(38) 🌞🍃📚✨🛌 Today marks the final day of the week, a time 🌞 divinely designated 🍃 for rest and rejuvenation 📚. Embracing this intention, I shall dedicate myself to a day of relaxation ✨, indulging in the peace and quiet that has been bestowed upon us. 🛌 This day of pause is not only a gift but a reminder to honor our need for a reset, allowing us to reflect, recharge, and ultimately, grow 🌱 with renewed energy for the days ahead.
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nonick123week 4
Estás cerca de que muestre el sexo... A ver que hace!
nonick123week 3
Amigo, si riegas en exceso tu Auto se quedará enana porque las raices no crecerán Ten cuidado con este punto
@MyDearDiary, crecemos juntos hermano 🤜🤛 @nonick123 tiene un diario resumen de Gorilla Cookies cultivada por @TopShelfStealth23👌👌 Aún así está bien sentir que experimentas, estoy con mi nuevo proyecto basado en una guía ortodoxa y combino con un poco de mi estilo, para sentirme con un poco de poder 😏😏 En fin, que disfrutes del proceso pero te recomiendo que si buscas producción alta sigas estos consejos 💐🤟 Saludos!
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@nonick123, @MiyaguiOkPolilla, Amigos, gracias por el consejo. 🙏 Ya he reducido el riego y estoy estudiando la biomecánica del exceso de agua. 🌱💧 Creo que el problema de crecimiento está relacionado con algo más - tras trasplantar el esqueje al suelo, creció rápidamente hacia arriba y su tallo se volvió rojo. Ahora, esa capa roja se está desprendiendo. 🍂 Sospecho que pudo haber sido alguna intoxicación del suelo, ya que tuve que añadir tierra del grow anterior a mi gran maceta de 30 litros. 🌍🔍
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DutchFarmerweek 0
i'm in awe of how lush and full your plants are! 🌱😮
@DutchFarmer, Thank you so much! 🌟 It's all Mother Nature's magic, truly. 🌍🌱 Just let her do her thing, and she creates miracles. 🍃✨
Plantinatorweek 0
Oh great a new diary already! Fingers crossed for her and happy growing ! 🍀🤞
@Plantinator, Thanks a bunch! 🌟 Keeping it short and sweet: May she grow as tall as my hopes and not as wild as my garden parties! 😄🌱 Happy growing to us! 🍀🌿
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Chamomileweek 0
Natural selection was swift for the Tequila 😃 Good luck with this grow buddy 🙌🌱
@Chamomile, Thank you so much! 😊 Yeah, it seems Mother Nature had her own plans for the Tequila, quick and decisive! 😅 🙌 Let’s see where this grow journey takes us with Big Auto Tao! 🍀🌿
nonick123week 5
Me encantan tus entrenamientos e inventos 😃
@nonick123, ¡Gracias por tu comentario! 😃 Realmente aprecio tu interés. 🌟 Es mi deseo que estos métodos puedan ayudar y ser de utilidad para la comunidad de groveros, aportando valor y fomentando el crecimiento. 🌱✨ ¡Unidos por el éxito! 🚀💚
High_And_Hydroweek 0
Good luck and have fun this time. I´ll keep my fingers crossed 🍀
@High_And_Hydro, Thanks a bunch! 🌟 Let the good times roll! 🚀🍀
MiyaguiOkPolillaweek 5
Me encanta esta evolución! Se ve todo tan lleno de paz
@MiyaguiOkPolilla, ¡Gracias, amigo! 🌟 Lo más importante es que la paz esté en los corazones humanos. 💖 Y creo que nosotros, los groveros, contribuimos a ello. 🌱✨
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nonick123week 2
Bonita actualización semanal. Me gusta mucho como se explicas el progreso y tus acciones Esperamos que sea una dama!
@nonick123, ¡Muchas gracias! 🌟 Me alegra mucho que te haya gustado la actualización. 💫 Continuaré compartiendo mi progreso y espero contar con tu apoyo. 🌱 ¡Vamos a ver cómo se desarrolla todo! 🌈
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Lemonhazeloverweek 0
Nice choise strain, good luck buddy ☘️
@Lemonhazelover, Thanks a lot! 🌟 Hoping for a great grow! 🍀😊
nonick123week 0
Una genetica interesante Esperemos que sea una hembra! 🙏💪
@nonick123, ¡Por supuesto! Con suerte, tendremos una reina en nuestro jardín 🌱😄 ¡Que la fortuna nos sonría! 🙏
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