Week 2:
4x4 Tent:
Well could have gone better, Under-watered them and when I went to transplant they barely held together. As of writing this these 4 have recovered well enough.
Mulch will be here soon, they need to get a little taller before that anyways. Should hopefully be easier sailing from here on our.
2x2 Tent:
I popped 6, 6 rose up, I plan to run all 6. The other 2 have been transplanted into a single earthbox they now share, a couple days later than the first 4. This earthbox is the same earthbox that the Wedding Cake #3 was run in last round. The soil in the earth box is on round 3, base 3.0 with heavy amendments last round.
I amended once more between rounds with Kashi blend, Comfrey FPE, and some 12-seed cover crop. After transplanting, I put a layer of Malibu compost on top & wetted it with saponin & big 6 micros, and covered with the plastic EB cover.
My plan with these is to try a different training method since these are notorious stretchers. And hopefully out of 6, I will have a standout keeper & be able to add a new mother to my collection.
@ThickFreakness, I top dress chaotically unfortunately. I haven't picked a method to my madness yet, but it's typically every 2 weeks. I offset when I add water solubles as well. So when I water in a bunch of dry amendments I got light with the water solubles. And then in between the top dressings I add FPE's or I'll add a slurry of buildabloom and coconut powder. So the FPE goes in alone usually and thencill water in the powders the next week, then top dress the next, then FPE's again the next week. So yeah, maybe every 2-3 weeks for dry top dress and composts.
@Stony_German, Thank you! They stretch more than I was prepared for, even after nearly everyone warning about the stretch. Plan for at a least 3x stretch.
Good luck!