

5 months ago
girl scout cookies auto - HempBrtohers
gelato automatic - HempBrothers
Room Type
Grow medium
Grow medium
Grow medium
Germination Method
Directly In Substrate
Method used by growers
Statistics by method
Avg. success - 93%
Method popularity - 20%
Apple Fritter
Avg. success
Royal Queen Seeds - 92%
Apple Fritter - 95%
girl scout cookies auto - HempBrtohers
Avg. success
Custom Breeder & Strain - 89%
girl scout cookies auto - HempBrtohers - %
gelato automatic - HempBrothers
Avg. success
Custom Breeder & Strain - 89%
gelato automatic - HempBrothers - %
Commented by
totoriusz totoriusz
5 months ago
Apple Fitter Iwona: Sown on April 5, 2024, directly in the final 11-liter pot. Plastic flowerpot. Earth, perlite and ceramic balls. No soaking. After 4 days with no results, I looked for it with a toothpick, but it was not found. It germinated as the first of the sown group on April 9, 2024 at approximately 1 p.m. It was slightly damaged during verification with a toothpick (the position of the seed changed compared to the original sowing) and manually moved to a more appropriate place in the pot - for potential observation whether it will be accepted after this treatment. On April 10, Iwona is still lying down, but she looks alive and developing - there is a chance she will get up. It was sprayed with water with neem oil, 7 drops per 0.5 liter of water. Already at the beginning the first earthworms and other shit appeared. This is due to the conditions that must prevail during the germination period. On April 11, Iwona stood at attention, she still had bean shells on her leaves, she took them off and showed the beautiful leaves. It looks promising at the moment. To change the humidity to the limit of 70%, then change the watering. Girl Scout Cookies Sandra: Sown on April 5 in an 11-liter pot with soil, perlite and ceramic balls. After 4 days of no signs of life, it was treated like the other plants with a toothpick. As of April 9, there are no signs of seedlings. Continue watering and maintaining the temperature. On the morning of April 10, Sandra was found, she was just emerging. After a few hours, it fully stretched, reaching about 1 cm. By evening, all the leaves were unfolded. Sandra has a good prognosis, along with the others she was sprayed with a solution of neem oil and water, 7 drops per 0.5 liter of water. On April 11, Sandra showed beautiful fluted leaves. He looks so grown up. To be changed to 70% humidity and watered with larger amounts of water. Gelato Auto Bożena: It was sown together with Klementyna (in separate) 11 liter pots on April 5. The composition of the substrate is earth, perlite and ceramic balls. Four days later, after there was no trace of the sisters, a toothpick search began, but ended in failure. The presence of the plover was not observed until April 9. Continue sprinkling and monitoring the temperature. On April 10, Bożena was sprayed with neem oil, 7 ml per 0.5 liter of water. On April 11, it was the last one to emerge, immediately in all its glory, the seed was pushed aside to be observed to see if it was bending too much towards the light source. Change in humidity up to 70%. Clementine Gelato Automatic from HempBrothers It was sown together with Bożena (in separate) 11 liter pots on April 5. The composition of the substrate is earth, perlite and ceramic balls. Four days later, after there was no trace of the sisters, a toothpick search began, but ended in failure. The presence of the plover was not observed until April 9. Continue sprinkling and monitoring the temperature. On April 10, Klementyna received neem oil along with the remaining 7 ml per 0.5 liter of water. On April 11, Klementyna showed itself in all its glory, after 4 p.m. all its small leaves were visible. He begins to stretch out to observe whether the lighting will need to be lowered. Change in humidity to 70% - change in approach to watering. Klementyna has very good prospects. Natala Gelato Automatic HempBrothers Sown on April 8 in response to the lack of response from her older sisters. It was soaked for about 12 hours in a glass of water (remember that you have to push the seed with your finger to make it fall to the bottom). Divergent information on forums, great fear of drowning the seed. The substrate and pots are the same as for the previous plants: 11 liters of soil plus perlite, but ceramic balls are placed at the bottom of the pot as a layer to facilitate water drainage in the event of overwatering the plant. On April 9, no signs of the plover were observed. Continue sprinkling and maintaining the temperature. On April 10, she received a cocktail like the others. On April 11, Natala showed her delayed head and moved forward. The experiment with soaking the seed apparently helped, because Natala came out with her previously sown sisters. She hasn't fully shown herself yet. Change in humidity - down to 70%.
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Jamesweek 0
Goood luck and happy growing mate 🌱