
Blue Cookies ;) Photo.

5 years ago
Room Type
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
00seeds2 - 00 KUSH
Blue Cookies
Crop King Seeds
Growing it
I really like this strain. Very frosty, mid 20's THC indica dominant hybrid. I found this strain to be a creeper. The high kept building after consumption, and I found it hard to go to sleep with my head racing through a million different thoughts. In a joint she burned even with a clean smooth taste and white ash. In my Pax 2 she vaped super smooth with a taste that was very much like cilantro and lemons/grapefruit, with a small berry sweetness. It left my body feeling relaxed and helped my lower back pain and general aches. This one will have a place in my medicine cabinet👍 .
The Outcome
Week 16
What's on the scales?
Bud dry weight
Number of plants harvested
Grow Room
Grow Room size
g / watt
g / m²
g / plant
plant / m²
watt / m²
Tastes like
Feels like
25% Sativa 75% Indica

Positive effects


Negative effects

Dry eyes
Dry mouth
Commented by
DeaneR DeaneR
5 years ago
This was my first Photoperiod growing concurrently with her tent mate GlueBerry OG. I definately made some newb mistakes on this one. Started off overwatering her early in her life. I made the mistake of going from 1/4 gallon pot to a seven gallon fabric pot. In future runs I'll move her to 1 gal, then 3 gal, then seven to make sure her roots are well establish and uptake water and nutes quickly. This should help my tendency to overwater, and help dry out my containers faster. I will likely move to Coco for the next run amended with perlite to increase drainage. I started a war against fungus gnats in week 4, which was a learning experience. F.I.M. 'ed for the first time on day 36. Put her into flower after 8 weeks of veg. In hindsight, I wish I had veg'd her a little longer, and trained her better with more cola sites ( I flipped her because her tent mate was ready), this could have increased my yield significantly. A few weeks into flower she started to show leaf discoloration. I didn't hit the mark with her nutrition in early flower, perhaps a P/K boost was needed then. In week 12 I broke her main cola...enough stem tissue remained to survive, but the growth was stunted. On a plus side, my trellis setup worked like a's nice being able to remove the girls from the tent. Also the addition of my new tech gear (humidity monitor/ controller, and the Pulse monitor really helped me learn my tent environment and assist dialing in VPD. So after 62 days of flowering and three days in the dark, we arrive at FL 65...HARVEST DAY. I hung this girl whole (stripped of the major fan leaves) in my grow tent for 10 days @ 70F & 50% RH. with only the exhaust/carbon filter fans running on its' lowest setting. I was a little disappointed with 65 grams for 150 watts LED from the wall; however, the smoke is fantastic. I look forward to growing this strain again. I would like to thank all of you who followed along, commented, answered questions, or left likes👍 The Grow Diaries Community is a great place to share our common passion for cannabis! Peace, DeaneR😎
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Grow Questions
DeaneRstarted grow question 5 years ago
My upper leaves? Is this light scald? Or a nutrient imbalance? This has been coming on over the last week. The older shaded fan leaves appear healthy. Also the one bud on the far leftside, furthest from the light is less affected. Her tent mate gets the same light and nutrients.😕
Leaves. Other
TheBudWhispereranswered grow question 5 years ago
Hey dude, awesome photos and great grow to date👍. I’m seeing potentially 2, possibly 3 issues here but it depends on what your referring to and leads to a couple more questions. #1 - if ur talkn about the mild variation in leaf colouring it could be a slight light burn issue. given the height of your light though and the other thing I’m seeing, I doubt it. If top growth gets progressively paler and the edges and tips start to brown and crack yeah this is it but too early to tell at this point and height is good. I’m def. leaning towards a nutrient issue - lockout specifically. You’ve got minor initial signs of burnt tips. I think the fix (at least where you should start) could be simple too. Ur running your ph levels at 6.5 and have been for a number of weeks. In a coco medium this is an acceptable part of the range but definitely at the very top of it. I’d drop it back down to 6 and wait and see if the issue progresses. You recently added more nutes to the mix so it does make sense. A slight drop in ph might help the nute uptake and you may not need to dial back the concentration at all. Again, very early stages and either/or can be easily corrected at this point. Overall, the grow looks fantastic, really good call on the scrog nets attaching to the pots and best of luck through flower👍👊

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DeaneRweek 12
Yes indeed. @CRiSPrGrow I'm hoping there is enough tissue still attached. No sign of leaf wilt yet so...fingers crossed. I broke a branch on this plant back in week 7. I wired it back in place with a pipe cleaner. You can see it in many of the photos, lol. It healed up fine.
DeaneRweek 3
I have heard neem oil is helpful. Hard to find in my area right now, all gardening stuff is put away for the winter. I'll have to find some online..
ShotGunBobweek 15
T T Tasty Tasty (fergie voice)
@@ShotGunBob, haha, nice👍
HerbalEduweek 4
good luck mate 😕 you'r doing an impressive recovery job 👏
@HerbalEdu, Thanks, I am really seeing some good results!
IndicaRisingweek 6
There looking real good.
BigBudWolfweek 3
I like the addition of the VPD chart! It would definitely be helpful to track that info. My current grow had some fungus gnat issues as well. I did a few neem oil soil drenches to get at the larvae and tried a couple methods of covering the soil to keep the gnats from laying more eggs. (Clay pellets didn't work but plastic wrap did. I just wasn't comfortable leaving the wrap on long for fear of mould development) I think a layer of sand on the soil might have helped me. Apparently they can't burrow through the sand grains the way they do in soil. The diatomaceous earth should help break them down with time I believe?.. I didn't try it myself but will in the future if I experience gnat issues again. The methods I tried worked while I was using them but they are still around in small numbers because I didn't keep it up during the later flowering stages. Hopefully you can get it under control. They can be a bit frustrating. Best of luck with the grow!
@DeaneR, I'm not sure if it would have any influence, but I stopped using the neem when they reached flowering incase it might affect the smoke or flavor. But that was just a precaution. I did find the neem oil to work, but, it would really only slow things down cuz the adults would just lay more eggs. As you said, it best to have multiple measures for their different stages of life cycle or you will just go in circles. Maybe neem oil drench for soil and spray for foliage/surrounding, with covering of the soil if possible. And I'd personally still use the diatomaceous earth around the pots or anywhere they may land. Though perhaps a more experienced growers can offer a solution with more certainty. There's worse pests one could deal with, but they are a nuisance still. And it will delay my next grow because I want to do a thorough clean-up and wait after this run! It's all part of the learning experience for me at this point. I'm going to look into the BT-i you mentioned also.
@BigBudWolf, Thanks! Really need a two stage approach, kill the larvae in the soil, then the adults and prevent them from laying more eggs. Just when you think you got them, you open your tent and another fg enters from elsewhere in your home!👹 Thinking about trying Bt israelensis (Bt-i) – Bacillus thuringiensis var israelensis. I've heard a 2" layer of play sand works well, but I top dress my soil with dry that would be PITA. I guess I can be thankfull I"m far from flowering😦. Did the neem drench work well for you?
Wadadli_Kushweek 14
nice grow. love to see how the plants arw coming. i also have the same strain from crop king as was srruggling to find others on here that have good results with this strain. im at 11 weeks total with this being the flip week to 12/12 i think CKS or grow diary team should add the new releases from CKS to the menu. i saw ur post on another persons grow (same blue cookies) but to me they did a poor job in defoliation and the plant looks very weak to be so deep in flowering............u called BS on them promoting them to apprentice for 100 likes 😁😁😁
@Wadadli_Kush, I was saying that a promotion based on the number of likes is silly. Like a popularity contest. It was not directed towards anyone.
Jondalarweek 4
Wow! If that doesn't stop the bugs, nothing will.
@@Jondalar, I hope it works! I really get annoyed by fungus gnats, and I certainly don't want them in my flowers!
IndicaRisingweek 9
Looking real good I'm Installing my scrog next week.
BigBudWolfweek 8
Really coming along well! Looking forward to seeing the flowering!
HighRoller909week 1
I feel like a poor ant in growing world right after scrolling through those pictures
CRiSPrGrowweek 14
you know the story about that statue right? it's not buddha you know ! 🚀
@DeaneR, ah okay i'm confusing him with an illuminated indian from a few hundred years ago, he used to confront local leaders non-violently in the name of social justice and if/when they responded he used to laugh in their face and pull on their earlobes, usually being successful in convincing them to change their ways like that. of course his earlobes were elongated from him pulling on his own earlobes (when in joy) . He traveled all over india, and they have statues of him that are absolutely massive especially in the South. 🚀
@CRiSPrGrow, Actually his name was Quieci. But everyone called him “Budai”. He was supposedly a Buddhist Zen monk who lived in China over a thousand years ago. He was different from all other monks. Quieci was a jolly fellow. He often laughed whole heartily and reminded everyone to enjoy life and stay happy. He was very much loved. Budai always had a great big smile on his face. That is why he is best known by his nickname “Laughing Buddha”.
CRiSPrGrowweek 14
lol @ selfie 😂
@CRiSPrGrow, took 50 years for my first selfie, lol!😆.
Jondalarweek 2
It is easy to overwater when they're young like that. They look healthy though. The problem I got into is that I was REALLY cautious with the water and probably underwatered for several weeks. Then I was root-bound and didn't realize it. Things are chugging along now.
@@Jondalar, I need to get accustomed to growing at these higher humidity levels. Normally I start my peppers from seed at this time of year, indoors (my house is about 20%RH), and they dry out much faster than the higher humidity levels in the tent. I see your girls are doing well!👍
JohnnyBlaz3week 1
hope everything goes well, will follow along defiantly interested
@JohnnyBlaz3,Thanks JB👍. Hoping for 🚀🔛🔥!
IndicaRisingweek 1
Good luck on your grow I have just germinated 2 Blue Cookies fem from Crop King. Will be starting A new diary very soon for the Blue cookies. I just finished White Widow Fem from Crop King.
@IndicaRising, Thanks, right on bro! I'll look your new grow up in a few weeks. Best of luck!✌️
CRiSPrGrowweek 15
dude, YES ! 🚀
LongJohn420week 14
Very good and healthy looking plant! Gonna stay with this till the end. Wanna see smoke rep on this and end product. Blue Gelato 41 was awesome so this maybe too.. happy growing! 👌
Jondalarweek 12
Your plants look about right for that time period. I think you had some more vigorous pistol growth than I did. Maybe that means you will get bigger buds. The fan leaves on this strain smell different than the buds I would say. The fan leaves smell very much like citrus to me. The buds I don't know.
Jondalarweek 3
Looking good. Has anyone suggested NEEM oil to treat bugs?