
DB Anderson Farms - The Garden

4 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 3
18 hrs
Light Schedule
14+ conditions after
Commented by
DBAndersonFarms DBAndersonFarms
5 years ago
Week 3 since we first put seeds in the dirt. Found out the hard way that's not really how we want to germinate our seeds moving forward. Had a pretty shitty success rate. I still have 300 seeds left so, live and learn. The ak by critical mass has taken off pretty well, the OG Kush is taking longer than we expected, the quarter pounder is moving along quite nicely and the Northern Lights, which are only a week old are still lagging behind. In the "clone room" the MKUltra is looking very nice, growing extremely fast and we will probably be putting those into flower in the next couple of weeks. We went ahead and chose a few of them for mother plants; we took 25 clones today and set them up on a rack with cob LED lights. We also started our mother plant seeds; Northern Lights, blueberry, white widow, and super lemon Haze. Hopefully those will pop in the next few days, and in anticipation we have added a small mother room (closet really) for them where we will hang 2 800 watt LED cob lights and one Mars hydro sp250 and veg those out until we can start taking clones. Thanks for looking!
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Grow Questions
DBAndersonFarmsstarted grow question 5 years ago
Having issues keeping the humidity up in this space. Each room is about 300 sq ft and we have large humidifiers in each but can't seem to get above 50% humidity while the lights are running. Any ideas? I need hum higher for the seedlings and am out of ideas! Thanks in advance
Techniques. Defoliation
DankGardeneranswered grow question 5 years ago
I run my humidity at 50% from seed to 3 weeks from harvest them drop to 40%. With no problems. Now if you where a clone yes humidity higher would benefit but I don't see any reason for seedlings. Yours look healthy too

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DBAndersonFarmsweek 1
Finally got the room filled today, here's hoping for a 100% germination success rate!
@JUNGLE_B4RNS, I am certain that he did, this whole thing has gone off without a hitch. I am really the type of person who runs into blockades in my life everywhere I go and everything I do, so it is quite relieving to have some I've worked so hard for go off without many or any hang ups!
@DBAndersonFarms, Jah might have heard my words 😉
Ferencweek 1
That's is crazy @DBAndersonFarms hundreds of plants. What kind of licence is that mate ?:D If I am not wrong you live in Canada... I am from the UK no chance to get licence even for 1 girl...😣 I gotta follow :)
@Ferenc, We have a commercial grow license in Oklahoma, which allows us unlimited plants.
@Ferenc, I'm UK to. These grow rooms are unreal. I'd love not to have to sleep next to my tent. We can dream, one day the pigs that run the UK mite be brided enough to see sense
CRiSPrGrowweek 1
Welcome to here yo Dougie looks happy as hahahaha congrats ! 🚀
Silverback_Guerillaweek 1
Looks like fun!!! #JealousInTexas
@Silverback_Guerilla, Wow man, I live very near 81st and Lewis, that's cool. I hope to hit the big times, but this business is cut-throat, especially in the Oklahoma environment. It's so cheap (relatively speaking) to get a license there is a lot of competition out there, but most aren't doing so well, either due to lack of experience or planning or both. I have both so I am hoping to share what I can with the community and hope they appreciate my medicine.
@DBAndersonFarms, I own a small web development company and do okay, but would love to make a career change back into agribusiness. It's the kind of stress that I thrive on. But, I'm not looking for a dinky little retail job, so I guess I'll stay put in Texas and wait for things to change...😕 I lived in Norman in '84 for a semester, then I lived in Tulsa for a year, out on S. Lewis near 81st. That's where I first got into playing disc golf...but I no longer have an Oklahoma driver's license...and don't want one 😬
@Silverback_Guerilla, Currently I am only a 2 man operation (4 if you count the wives lol) but when we expand I will def be hiring people with a passion and desire to help others with the awesome power of Marijuana! I would never be opposed to hiring someone I met online given they showed experience, desire, and loyalty. Give us a follow, you never know, I could blow up and scale up quickly! BTW, you have to be a resident in Oklahoma for some certain amount of time, I am not sure how long, so get your ass up here and start looking, there are tons of shops looking for good help!
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TheMachinistweek 5
I live in a high desert and struggle with humidity as well. Look into ultrasonic misters, a couple of those in a large plastic tote with a fan could put serious water into the air.
@TheMachinist, yeah that is the other option.....i bet drying mushrooms is easy.....ever want to know the easy fast way...let me know...takes 60 days or less to get GORDY's....$1 per zip to produce...
@@Wilson_McNugget, I've ran an evaporation humidifier for years, but they are gross and get nasty fast. I've gone a slightly unique route, I turned my basement into a garden. Lots of veggies and herbs keep the humidity up 😂
@TheMachinist, SWAMP COOLER MAN...LOTS OF nose used to bleed in Reno its so dry sometimes.... Or a WHOLE HOUSE A.C. HEATER HUMIDIFIER...raise the entire house up....
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Experimentgreenweek 2
Could you use a cup over each plant as a makeshift humidity dome? Mist the insides of the cups, poke a hole or 2 for air, and wait for them to get bigger. I'm sure once they've all got more leaves and transpire more the RH will be much higher.
@Experimentgreen, yeah we started watering in the morning at 5am just before the lights come on. Seems to be helping a bit. Maintaining 55% rh now that we've got the pressure in the room correct.
@DBAndersonFarms, oh snap! Ok yes no i would not want to deal with misting hundreds of cups!🤣🤣 can you imagine...that'd be terrible. When do you do your watering? Maybe morning water would release some moisture into the air each day.
@Experimentgreen, I could do that but we have hundreds of plants. Putting a cup over each one would be very cumbersome very quickly. Great idea though.
May Jah bless this crop and make it successful 🙏
Thank you for that info @JUNGLE_B4RNS, I watch a lot of youtube channels but haven't checked this one out. Will do.
@DBAndersonFarms, you really deserve it. In your case I believe money has to get in asap to pay the bills ! I think you might find some good ideas and also what not to do by looking on medicropper YouTube channel. There’s a bunch of informations for big scales growing operations like yours.
@JUNGLE_B4RNS, Thanks for the blessings.
Silverback_Guerillaweek 3
Nice work...definite progress! I see ways for you to save money in your operation..all that light, even dimmed, for your seedlings is could suspend some T5 or T8 LED bars on either side of your CMH fixtures to run for the first couple of weeks and save several hundred dollars in electricity per run...i know they are probably run in pairs, but you can always unscrew bulbs that aren't doing much and relocate a few well-labeled pots to sunnier zones...I know, I know...I'm such a cheapskate..😉
@Silverback_Guerilla, running LED lights in between the HPS actually is the plan! We've already spent 13k getting to this point so we are trying to get a harvest in so we can actually do that! Great suggestions though, I appreciate it!
Wilmaponicsweek 3
Nice little tour. Impressive start. I'd be so excited if I was u to, so many possibilities
@Wilmaponics, thanks, we are totally psyched! It's been really stressful but really fun.
JinksyGrowsweek 1
Seriously man, congrats on the licence. That's a big deal and your operation looks great. Wishing you the best of luck and I'll be following your progress! Cheers.
Much appreciated @JinksyGrows,
Master_weedaweek 1
Wow nice équipement 😍 May the force be with you Good luck bro😉
@Master_weeda, Thanks!
Wilmaponicsweek 1
Great grow space. I'm sure ur ladys will love it in there. And congrats on getting ur license sorted.
@Wilmaponics, Thanks so much! It's been quite the adventure
Wilson_McNuggetweek 8
Wow brow looking nice...all sorts of great stuff.... DITCH YOUR CALI MAGIC CRAP MAN.....WHAT ARE YOU THINKING.... go with MAGNUM from your H.C.O.'s line up...and add Demeter's Destony liquid calcium from OREGON's Only.... thank me later.........look at the Iron in calimagic....YOU DONT NEED TO ADD ANY MORE IRON..THATS HYDRO ONLY CRAP THEY SELL AS GOOD FOR ANYTHING.... IM LOOKING AT YOUR NUTRIENTS.....I CANT BELEIVE YOU DONT USE MAGNUM...AND DEMETER'S DESTINY....ALL GROW......... I bet you will be like DUDE..FUCK YEAH LATER ON.....I just got Magnum it works with clone cubes as a foliar my plants have amazing trichome production..... I'm getting crystal burst to replace the potash plus I have now..... How do you like the nutrients.??? I love the MAGNUM
Wilson_McNuggetweek 8
Also the Young plants I say IRON TOX CAUSED MAG DEF.....loze the GHE crap....raise PH TOO...mag needs to be like 6.6 in soil to have optimal uptake....phosphorus must have over 6.6 to be available in larger amounts at I got lucky figured it out...everything is iron toxic from hydro chemicals JACKING UP IRON FOR HYDRO NEEDS causes mag lock out from iron just have a mag def....MAGNUM FROM HUMBOLDT COUNTY'S OWN...HOW DID YOU NOT GET THAT?????.