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Eleven Roses
Growing it
Eleven Roses effect is first class and is comfortably familiar. No complaint in any sense. Eleven Roses is the buds is always be in my stash. On the other hand, I don’t find it exciting. This is the weed that I come home to but not the one that I fantasize about. Still, any respectable stash can not be without this sort of buds. Eleven Roses nuggets are not huge but they are beautifully dense. Smell varies from plant to plant. Two plants are sweet kush type but plant two has minty/eucalyptus smell to it. For people who likes black buds, some phenotypes will be purple. Buds color doesn’t do anything for me. Taste is classic kush and was smooth right of the drying hanger. There are some kush spiciness blend in with lemony. Highly enjoyable smoke with a rolled joint. Effect comes a bit slow. The first to come was heady Sativa high a bit after finish smoking. Then the indica euphoria started to slide and roll over. Potent and long lasting. I smoked after dinner. And I had a very good evening. Definitely not for partying. It is for private evening getaway good for any antisocial club. Next morning, I still was a little high. Overall, I think the effect was one third Sativa and two third Indica. There was no mellowing effect from CB-whatever stuff. It was straight THC ride all the way.
a year ago
CBD Rich Candy
Growing it
CBD Rich Candy smell much better than pure CBD strains that I have grown. Typical CBD smell but with blend of fruity sweet smell when dried. Taste was spicy and bitter that turn to sweetness. Delicious and enjoyable smoke. There was a little high that came an hour after smoke. Buds color are dark and some branches had purple/black leaves.
a year ago
Growing it
Golosa is exactly as described by the breeder. Sweet taste and smell. Extremely potent. Golosa immobilizes experienced smoker with three puffs. Hybrid high with quick Sativa hit follows by Indica stone. For me in Thailand, crazy potent indica effects and sweet taste. Very nice bed time weed.
2 years ago
Growing it
The grow took longer than necessary. I dragged her vegetation until the late month of raining season. Just so that she finishes in early part of Thailand dry season. The dry weight from this one was 160 grams of mid-size nuggets. The harvest is nothing spectacular but taste and effects are good. And I am well supplied for the entire year of 2022 with just this one harvest. Hybrid effect – I would say about 60 Indica to 40 Sativa. Good high follows by relaxing stone. Smooth without too much spice and is generally sweet. The smell is mainly lemonty, pine, sweet, and a bit of licorice. I think organic soil mix and LAB has a lot to do with taste and smell improvement.
2 years ago
Full Moon Party
Growing it
Potent, nice mango smell. Still, Full Moon Party does not cut it as an interesting strain. Buds do not stack and are way too small. No way to compete with professional F1 triploid. Professional breeding is another level of cannabis art. I suspect that there must be a feminized tetraploid father and normal diploid mother. Therefore there are two areas that I need to do well; reversing sex with STS, and mutating plant to make polyploid. More importantly, there should be either large development plot or reliable network to select winning phenotypes.
3 years ago
Novarine THCV
Growing it
Effects of high THCV content are unusual. I found the most useful trait is anti-anxiety / anti-paranoid. By itself, Novarine THCV is not good for recreational use. On the other hand, Novarine blended with other strong Sativa is offer great high without the negatives. And the most popular effect would be hunger suppression for dieting. I definitely do not recommend Novarine for recreational use. There will no medicinal benefits as in other cannabis. Novarine THCV is a specific medicine. It is excellent weoght losing tool without negative effects of methamphetamine drugs. Another intersting aspect is reducing paranoid and anxiety. This could be from from weed induced or post traumatic events. On the ohter hand, Novarine won’t get you very high. My over all rating is an 8 Effect – 7 for unique effects but Novarine is not for ever one. Ease of grow – 8. Easy enough for outdoor with strong tolerances to host of things. For in-door, she needs constant management with long internode distance. Ease of flowering – 10. Wonderfully easy to manage. Smell – lovely 9. On smoking experience, the effects from all three plants were similar. Smells were different but all were good. During grow, flowers fragrance was fruity mango. Then as they cured, marvelous smell from different phenotypes emerged. Plant 1 and 3 are cure to sweet fruity mango. Smell like candy African/Thai hybrid Sativa. And plant 2 has classic Thai ganja with fruity, hawthorn berry. Taste was fairly smooth and earthy with a tinge of spicy anise. The high from all Navarine phenotypes are similar and not like any other weeds. And high seemed to come in two phases. At first, the effect started out by a good head whacking with a bit of dizzy ness. Eight to ten percent THCV is very strong. The hit was quick but euphoria is mild. Felt like my heart was beating faster but I was not hyperactive. This phase lasted for about two hours. Then, there was no hunger and no thirst. Novarine was not quite an appetite suppressor. It stops hunger but you can eat just fine. I smoked before lunch. Normally if lunch comes late, I would have hunger fit. My hands would be shaking and my mouth drooling. But with Novarine, I did not feel it. Nor did I get the cannabis thirst or parched mouth. And after smoking Novarine for two hours, I still was not hungry. By midafternoon, I thought that I better eat. Then, I enjoyed my lunch just fine. No loss of healthy appetite. So, Novarine does not help with gluttony. If you want to enjoy food and sweet, it won’t stop you. Another wier part is that Novarine did not lift my mood. There was no giggling, no craziness. And I know where I was and what I was doing. Time passed by normally. And I was focused. I was doing things and conscious on how I was doing them. I mechanically followed routines and was not bored. I was all business. And Novarine did not make me more sociable. Novarine also causes mild obsession. Once I started to do one thing, it was hard to switch doing one things and move to another task. Would be good for people with attention deficit issue. In this aspect, Novarine gives focus but not chilling out. I think Novarine would be good for repetitive Hufflepuff task or burn session the thread mill. I can just keep going at one same pace for a very long time. And it would be great for aggressive sports like boxing and football. Novarine is the weed to ignore hunger and pain. After the third hour, I transitioned to the second phase of the high. Mild euphoria crept in. I was finally in a good mood and chilling out. Only then, I became more friendly and started to smile. Total high lasted more than 5 hours. And much later in the evening, I was able to sleep well. A friend with weight issued decarbed Novarine with 150 C temperature. And she infused Novarine with coconut oil. She takes about 15 drops of 10% concentration oil before her big meal. And she is ecstatic about losing her stubborn weight. She is a real fan. With weak euphoria, Novarine is not a good recreational weed. And I got mild high, and it was not clear headed sort of high. Investigating Novarine other supposed other effects, there are; reduciton of anxiety, lowering of blood sugar, anti-Alzheimer, and promoting bone growth. Well, I am not willing to break bones to prove that part. Sinc It did not lift my mood, I tried Novarine with crazy paranoid inducing Sativa. I blend a quarter of Novarine weed with three quarter Zamaldelica. Zamaldelica is a head scrabling strong Sativa with way up high including temporal anomaly zone out warp. I meant to have 2% THCV in the smoke mix. This would be higher than other “high-THCV” strain that I had. The resuting effect was great. I got good high without being over hyper, all positive vibe without the nagging feeling. The hit quick and strong. I smoked this blend in the evening and went to bed happy. On the other hand, with the blend, I got thirsty with cotton mouth. For the sake of thoroughness, I blended Novarine with Indica dominant White Critical. This usually comes slow with couch lock stone effect. Blended THCV let the high started quicker. I was active for the first two hours. High was less and it was not a good thing. Then later, the knockout came hard and I slept well. I don’t see any benefit from blending Novarine with Indica.
3 years ago
CannaBoom CBD+
Growing it
Big plant taste was nice and sweet with citrus aroma. The smell was similar to Sour Diesel family. On the other hand, runt plant was musky medicinal eucalyptus. Main plant taste was also smoother than the runt plant and was without the high. Buds look similar but the effects from the two plants were different. Both got me fairly high. I seriously doubt that this is 0.3% legal THC. CBD ratio was high enough to get the job done. To be clear, I am not complaining. I smoke to get high. And I like different kind of high for different situations. I smoked about 1 and half gram of joint to test the effect. Effect from the runt plant was Indica wave of happiness. Effect from the main plant was balanced 50/50 Sativa/Indica. Then CBD effect stepped in. The effect was initially Sativa head high. It wasn’t weak. Then follows by mild Indica chill out. An hour and a half in, CBD would cleared me for bed fully functioning. The later stoney effect was just nice and was not overbearing. Lighter dose around half a gram would be enough to get a good vibe. I have high tolerance and overdosed to see the effect. Don’t smoke 1.5 grams at a go. This is potent stuff even with CBD. I like the effect of both plant but I much prefer the citrus phenotype. If I want to get stone, I don’t need CBD plants. I have plenty of Indica to do that with better taste and aroma. For CBD use, Cannaboom CBD+ is my favorite at the moment. Much better than hempy CBD type. I think the main drawback is variation in taste and effect between phenotypes. Otherwise, Cannaboom CBD+ was easy to grow. Not so big. I like the sweet and citrus taste. The high was manageable. For health benefits, Cannaboom CBD+ is excellent. I baked the flowers and shall use it for tea. It is much potent to cook with.
3 years ago
Stinkin' Bishop
Growing it
I did not get the phenotype with reference to Stinking Bishop Cheese. The aroma that I got was earthly sweet with mint and pine. This is supposed to be “wake the dead” smelly cheese. It woke me alright but only a small part. Stinking Bishop made me horny. The effect was mixed. Right from the start, it was a quick Sativa head hit. I would not call it a balanced effect. Sativa hit first but not too energy tic. Then legs went numb as the stone started to solidify. After that, it was hours of happy waves. Sleeping came easy. After 45 minutes, Stinking Bishop was fully Indica. So, it’s sex and then snore. I don’t think my wife would appreciate this kind of performance. Buds were dense but not that big. More or less a classic Indica land race than modern monsters. Making up of the lack of size is the dense juicy trichomes. It was difficult for me to smoke Stinking Bishop as a joint. After hard drying, buds were sticky wet. Bongs, extract would be better. Smoke was a spicy and linger on throat. Perhaps proper curing would help. No issues on the cough. These days, I lean more and more toward edible. For quality of effect alone, this is top notch Indica . However, you have been warned of the libido boost. Grow was easy. Harvest weight was more than I expected as nugs were dense. Overall I would give Stinking Bishop a 9. The rating came after smoking dried nugs and enjoying the effect. Stinking Bishop was easy to grow with adaptability to various grow techniques. So far, my experience with OSS strains so far had been all positive. The key word to this breeder is “sensible”. OSS strains that I got are easy to grow and result in good weeds. Lacking is the marketing hypes that would draw more interest.
3 years ago
Boom Boom
Growing it
Boom Boom is an extra potent Sour Diesel. One good joint is enough for an evening performance. Boom Boom gives me energy and confidence. Great weed for social events and delivering presentations. With stronger effect, there is a sacrifice on fragrance and aroma. The smell is not as strong as original Sour Diesel. Taste is good. A bit citrus with sweet undertone. I don’t mind the moderate smelling weed.
3 years ago
Grandaddy Black
Growing it
Granddaddy Black nuggets are beautifully dense and encrusted with brown sugar. The effect is potent Indica with wonder fully sweet grape smell. Sweet grape taste is addictively delicious. Be warned, it takes a while before the Granddaddy Black to creep in. Don’t reach for a second bong until after half an hour. By then, you should be appreciating the wonders of one electron universe. Sleep comes easy and aches and pain goes away.
3 years ago
White Critical
Growing it
The effect is not at all 60/40 Indica Sativa. The Sativa part is quick light hit after initial smoke. Not enough for a fit of laugher. Then Indica creeps in and it is mostly stony Euphoria. To me, it White Critical is more like 80/20. And don’t let 20% advertised THC fools you. This is a strong weed. Bud is dense. And for the same joint, I figured the weight of weed is heavier with denser weed. I love it. White Critical is easy to grow and quick to produce big yield with stony Indica effect. Taste is familiarly good. And White Critical probably underrated.
3 years ago
Growing it
Zamaldelica hits so quickly. Effect was felt t even before I finished the joint. Mainly because Zamaldelica effect was so strong. Heavy head hit, dizzying high, then there was no choice but to lay down until the effect wears off. To me, smell is like a green mango mixed with nutty earthy sort of aroma. Certainly is different from sour/lemony Sataiva that I am accustom to. On the other hand, taste and smell is not impressive Zamaldelica effect is best used when you are alone. It is funny and mood lifting. After smoking, there seemed to be an abundant for energy except that it is very difficult to get up and do anything. There is no substitute for photoperiod Zamaldelica effect. This is for connoisseurs who have everything already. Zamaldelica high is great but in very small amount. It is not for day time use. The high is Sativa but it is so strong to the point of incapacitating. I recommend blending it with some other weed to give the mix some energy. Zamaldelica is not for social occasion nor for outdoor activities. It would be dangerous to smoke Zamaldelica and go out. Smoke Zamaldelica in a safe and secure setting. My overall rating is 7 – Zamaldelica is a difficult to grow with psychedelic trip. It is only for hardcore Sativa crowd. 9 for effect – good Sativa high but so damn strong. 9 for grow vigor – clone easily and veg very well 7 for low resistance – there are other diseases than botrytis and powder mildew. 7 for high variation in phenotypes – three female plants out for five regular seeds behaved very differently. 6 for long ass flowering time. I am spoiled by modern high potency rudelaris blend polyploids.
4 years ago
Boom Boom
Growing it
I like the user-friendly effect but not the taste. Plants are compact and has strong resistance. Boom Boom is very easy to grow once a phenotype is found. This is a must-have plant in my staple. On the effects: Boom Boom is a power up item. If I were a car, Boom Boom increases the engine size. I have more torque at low rev. High came gradually. Good feeling and energy. Not trippy, not hysterical. Good mood, confidence, in control, and a bit mellow. Three hours in, I was not stoned but slept easily and very well. Also broke a finger during work out a couple of days ago, Boom Boom helped with swelling and pain. Overall, the effect is tempered balanced high. Energetic without the spaz and relaxing without the stone. All positive effect. Boom Boom is a go-to weed for daily use. She is a girl you would marry and not a high maintenance hot date that you show off with. For such thick bud structure, I thought Boom Boom would be a stoning Indica, she is not. To me it is more like 50/50 Sativa/Inidca effect with some damping effect from CBD. Taste - classic sour skunk Taste is very nice but not remarkable in this day and age. Buds certainly need curing. Smell during flowering was not crazy strong. For medical use, taste would not be so important.
4 years ago
Orange Juice
Growing it
Orange Juice taste wonderfully good. Tingling spiciness without the cough. Sweet and bitter taste. And signature orange smell. Overall it is like orange marmalade. Very enjoyable smoke. Effect came very fast. Quick sativa hit. And it was not a weak effect. Medium strength hit. Then the stone follows in an hour or so. The high did not last too long and was not too strong. Over all, it is a middle of the road high that get the job done. Despite great taste, the biggest news is susceptibility to mold. I was able to collected a small sample of the flower. The rest rotted. Sure 80% humidity in 36 degree temperature is difficult. On the other hand, I am spoiled by high resistance polyploid strains growing next to Orange Juice. Over all is: 7 – I rather grow other strains that can be more productive with my set up. 10 for taste. 8 for effect. 7 for high variability on phenotypes despite easy vegging. 3 for low resistance and difficult care during flowering.
4 years ago
Strawberry Amnesia
Growing it
Strong and quick Sativa kick with smooth fruity taste. Strawberry Amnesia inherited the best traits of Amnesia high and fruity smell. In the beginning, Strawberry Amnesia was more like a very quick haze. Strawberry smell comes out after about three months of curing. Strawberry Amnesia is great for those who loves haze. Hybrid Sativa high with reasonable flowering time. Smell is nice haze style but a bit more fruity. I like the high but did not enjoy growing it.
4 years ago
Bruce Banner #3
Growing it
Quick head smashing hit. Then the stone follows in about half an hour or so. Very nice smoke with strawberry aftertaste. Sweet smelling and very smooth smoke. Think taste will improve after a month or so in curing. I love the stoning effect and the taste. Wow, Indica dominant strain that tolerates heat and tropical rain. Vegging is fast to. 10 out of 10 in all dimensions. This is my absolute favorite strain of the moment. Great work from Original Sensible Seeds.
4 years ago
Growing it
Effect – quick hit then sleeping knock out. In the beginning, night vision get brighter. Music sound better. Potent effect.
4 years ago
Growing it
One sophisticated smooth weed. The best available for CBD hybrid strain. For good rush or buzzing stone, look else where. Effect is with mellow easy with energy. This is high society stuff. FF3 is not a head banging weed, she goes well with classical music or jazz. Good with activity like cooking or paint a chair. I think she is a 1:3 CBD/THC plant. I didn’t get neither the taste nor the high like other people who had reviewed FF3. So, I smoked all three FF3 plants. I smoked on five separate occasions just to be more certain. And before the final smoke, I even stop taking weeds for three days just to lower my tolerance. Also packed in as much weed as my little roller can take. Effect, head high start to come along but did not go further. The high is mellow hybrid Sativa and not like a party rush Sativa. The reason that I says it has CBD is that it did not get further. With reasonable quantity, the high is in a band. It isn’t week but there is a point that it won’t take you further. After an hour or so, relaxation, but not stone set in. Taste, was already smooth right after dried. And after nearly a month of curing, it was indeed very smooth a bit sweet. May be it is the heat, or may be it the way that I dried the weeds for two days in hot weather, I did not get much smell. A bit pine like and a bit sour. I smoked right at a cigarette smoking pen and no one gave me a second look. Nobody recognized FF3 as ganja smell.
4 years ago
Growing it
Excellent kush. Sweet smell after two weeks in the jar. Hint of tropical fruit or berry smell and chili pepper. FF10 is every easy to grow and I had no problem what so ever. Anything easier would to be have the plants get up and buy her own fertilizers. She is resistance to over water, over feeding, tropical heat, wind, bugs, and mold. FF10 flowers easily and uniformly. She has only weak smell during grow. 10 out of 10 with standing ovation on ease of growing. Effect, start with good head whacking high. All smile and ooh yeah. My first impression was “oh good this is a50/50 Sativa/Indica”. Was I wrong! FF10 is an extremely potent Indica. And that head high was merely the intro. Half an hour later, my legs were numb. The lower part of my face was also numb. Good creeping buzz. waves after waves of buzz pile on top of each other. Lasted under four hours. Won’t matter because most people go to sleep within the first hour anyway. FF10 is very strong. It takes only a few hits to finish the evening. 10 out of 10 on the high and stone. FF10 is quality and strength. FF10 smell very nice but I don’t like the fire in my throat taste. Her perfume is nice sweet Afghani kush with notes of skunky fruit. Taste is chilli spicy. It is different but it is not what I prefer. It is still not bad but I rather have smooth ganja. For taste, I would give her a 7. What I particular like is that FF10’s aroma developed from no smell during grow to sweet fruit/pine smell during curing. This is one smart plant in term of smell. She does not advertise her quality during grows. For me smell is an 8. Good but not enough for me to rave about. Buds appearance, again, is an area that I normally don’t care much about. If I must rate FF10, it is still a 10. Chunky, 80% dense buds that forms into nuggets. Much nicer than grassy Sativa. On the other hand, if it is too dense, it is too much work to grind. FF 10 is the right amount of chunky solid that is easily breakable. FF 10 plant size is just right. Maximum advertised height was 160 tall. Not too big and not too small for me. This is home grown strain and not industrial cash crop. Overall, FF 10 is almost a 10 out of 10. I can live with spicy taste. And the appearance is much better than grassy Thai. This FF10 weed is my firm favorite in term of effect for the evening. Now more than ever, FF10 quality is valuable. She helps with social distancing. Growing it could not be any easier. Kudos to the team at Fast Buds for FF10.
4 years ago
Ape Origin Soman
Growing it
The two Somango plants that I had grown are not the same. The big one has low aroma and taste spicy then sweet. High is full package head and body hit. First to quickly hit was a strong Sativa head wacking. Good vibe also welled up from my chest. I was making up a joke in my mind and laugh at my own thoughts. Half an hour later, I am all smile. A couple hours later, I was dumb at work. Then work emergencies hit. I hold my calm and make logical decisions. People around me were happy and confident. They thought I was a rock. In reality, I was stoned. So the effect was head hit high, then followed by chilled out stone. At both stages, effect was quite strong. I like the high from this bigger plant. The smaller Somango is looks more Sativa and has strong sour mango smell. The high was entirely different. This one was a clear headed high. Initial hit was there but not giggling. There was no ooh yeah. It was similar to my high CBD strain. This pheno is the strain for working day. The taste is really nice, spicy, fruity, and very sweet. Think this nice smelling one will even improve with curing. I like the taste from this smaller pheno. The high is medicinal. My key thing is that the pheno varies too much. Plants is not uniform. Grow as consistently easy. The yield, effects, and smell are totally different for the plants. A pack of seed is like a pack of mystery seeds. What I like the most from both plant is that they are any time ganja. Did not reduce my capacity to work. And they do let me relax. Plant 1 is recreational but Plant 2 is medicinal. Head and stomach are fine – good high without baddies. Growing Somango was easy in my tropical condition. For this grow, I used no equipment. The seeds started out door and were never groomed in a computer case. Somango prefers her organic food. She can take as much guano as I dare to give her. She also greedily took in fish tea, compost tea, and occasional yoghurt. What she did not like was mineral salt fertilizer. This is a genuine farm yard girl. And she demands constant attention in her late pregnancy. And toward the end, Somango can be sensitive to mold. What I don’t like in growing Somango was the experience during flowering period. Since I grew her with 12/12, it was fast for me. No complain on speed. What I don’t like was the fact that I was never certain of her stage. And may have skipped feeding her when she could have taken even more fertilizer. Not that big of a complain Flower structure was dense. Large wet sticky colas standing in humid balmy air. Drying time doubled that of fluffy Sativa. This can leads to mold. I sprayed with Trichoderma but it can only limits the damage. And I did have to chuck out a few large nuggets. So, from scale of 1 to 10: 10 for taste, 8 for effect, 4 for low uniformity, 6 for ease of growing. Equally weighted would be 7. If you are for taste and balance high, yes. If you like to have many type of medicines with each kind for different occasions, yes. If you can’t use organic, stay away. If you want to have a good idea about what you will get down the road 6 months after popping the seeds, stay away.
4 years ago