Boogie Nights
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3 harvests
3 harvests
Just as the name implies, Boogie Nights strain is perfect for a night out on the town. Get the disco ball, light a Boogie Nights joint, and let the fun begin. Parent strains Kalijah and Juanita are what give this strain its uplifting and energizing effect. You’ll feel like the life of the party after consuming this strain. Just a few tokes of this sweet and spicy strain and the cerebral high will keep you feeling social and creative. Not only will Boogie Nights turn even the biggest introvert an extrovert, but it’s a great medicinal strain as well thanks to its high CBD levels. Boogie Nights is a strain that grows well indoors as it stays relatively small and does not branch out a lot. When it is planted outdoors, it prefers dry, warm climates. It does not fare well in wet and humid environments. This strain produces beautiful dense and colorful buds under the right growing conditions.
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Growing it
Of all these girls, this poor thing took the worst of the lighting mishap. After the partial reveg she just exploded into a mess of stringy branches. Even the biggest buds on er are likely to be very small and this will be a hugely reduced yield if a yield at all. She also got decimated by WPM. We kept it under control but just barely. I was questioning whether or not she’s even worth saving and once we get through the trim, we still might chuck the whole thing. We’ve still got a clone running out of er which should give us a better idea of what we’ve got here. Sad really - AMS has been good to us and our only attempts with their genetics to date have been met with really shitty luck. Not to worry though - as I said, we’ve still got another candidate on the flower for a proper review and a number of other strains in the mail so that we can sample the full breadth of the line up. Stay tuned on that one for sure. I refuse to sample these at the moment - we can do so much better than this…. ***Update - final numbers are now in on this one and it’s disappointing to say the least. First time in 3 years we yielded less than an ounce and all due to how bad this girl took to the reveg light mishap. Such a shame too cuz we did end up keeping it anyway and the effects are fantastic. Definitely got that I’m stoned feeling in the eyes (not a recommended strain for places where you’d prefer not to look ripped). It’s a mellow indica, baked kinda high and really decent, smooth draw smoke. Can’t wait to see her clone finish out under better, more consistent conditions. The poor rating on this grow is all due to grower error - I think AMS has some quality buds here: 1:😎: 1:***
3 years ago
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