
Ganesh Spirit® (Discontinued)

Ganesh Spirit is a sativa dominant strain for lovers a potent energizing sativa effect. It consists 60% sativa and 40% indica and demonstrates a good stablity.Ganesh Spirit demonstrates a strong indica influence. The plant developes big fragrant buds covered in resinous trichomes. The flowering cycle takes just 8 weeks. The plant has a compact size but it doesn't influence to the crop. The strain is very efficient and shows great results: 400-600 g/m2 indoors and 400-700 g/plant outdoors. The aroma is pleasant fresh, sweet and spicy. The plant has a high THC levels (20%). So the effect is strong and psychoactive. It has medical use against depression (Out of stock)
Ganesh Spirit® (Discontinued)
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Sweet Seeds SATIVA Garden
7 weeks
Sweet Seeds SATIVA GardenGROOW
+3 strains
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Ganesh Spirit
Mostly Sativa
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