Still not a drop of rain for the last 3 weeks, 26C daily, full sun, really exploding in growth these days. Gave her another soak of some local Kelp / Fish mix, also been spraying with Aloe / Neem / Kelp mix twice weekly. Responding well to very little nutes / water. Catepillers seem to have peaced out, this warm weather caused their population to explode, lettuce and other veg was also hurt, not normal. FIM recovery was very quick, I'll be fimming 3 top nodes this weekend, need to keep this height under control at this rate of growth.
Eccoci qui… Questa settimana ho eseguito la defogliazione e il lollipopping per sfoltire la parte bassa di tutte le piccole… Da questa settimana inizio a dare i fertilizzanti e vediamo cosa ne esce, ci sono piante che vogliono mangiare ed è ora di accontentarle!!! Grazie a tutti per il supporto!!! ❤️🔥🌲 IN CANNA
Eccoci qui... Che splendore questa genetica, NON SEBRA MARIJUANA!!! - Strain 1: Ha una conformazione più simile alle normali piante ma ha le prendi sole e tutte le foglie della pianta con le mini foglie che si sovrappongono e sta iniziando a formare le cime come GIOIELLI davvero mi piace molto, tralasciando il fatto che è PIENA di RESINA!!!!! - Strain 2: Lei ha una conformazione molto strana purtroppo avendo avanti a lei nel box la Alladdin Kush ha allargato il ramo a destra allungando e modificando la forma che aveva, lei è molto imboscabile ovunque inquanto NON sembra marijuana. Nella fioritura è più indietro rispetto Strain 1 ma non importa la resa essendo così particolare vince in partenza!!!! Questa settimana inizieremo con i nutrienti che finora NON sono stati utilizzati... Grazie a @KhalifaGenetics per la collab e a tutti per il supporto🔥🌲❤️
Eccoci qui... Che splendore questa genetica, NON SEBRA MARIJUANA!!! - Strain 1: Ha una conformazione più simile alle normali piante ma ha le prendi sole e tutte le foglie della pianta con le mini foglie che si sovrappongono e sta iniziando a formare le cime come GIOIELLI davvero mi piace molto, tralasciando il fatto che è PIENA di RESINA!!!!! - Strain 2: Lei ha una conformazione molto strana purtroppo avendo avanti a lei nel box la Alladdin Kush ha allargato il ramo a destra allungando e modificando la forma che aveva, lei è molto imboscabile ovunque inquanto NON sembra marijuana. Nella fioritura è più indietro rispetto Strain 1 ma non importa la resa essendo così particolare vince in partenza!!!! Questa settimana inizieremo con i nutrienti che finora NON sono stati utilizzati... Grazie a @Khalifa_Genetics per la collab e a tutti per il supporto🔥🌲❤️
Eccoci qui... WOW!!! Questa varietà è incredibile davvero molto molto grande!!! Questa settimana inizieremo con i nutrienti e vediamo come risponderà. Davvero tutto fantastico sono senza parole!! Grazie a @KhalifaGenetics per la collab e a tutti per il supporto🔥🌲❤️
Auto Creeper is a strong Sativa dominant autoflower with thick flowers and a large yield, this is an auto that is known for its chunky spear-like buds and genuine Sativa experience This is a vigorous and fast growing autoflower, both during the vegetative and flowering phase. She has a good stretch and produces medium to large autoflowers which are suitable to grow either in a SOG, a SCROG or the natural way Auto Creeper has a very intense and pungent aroma and taste. Her terpene profile is unique and special, a sweet and sour aroma with fruity tropical tones and a sour, floral and earthy taste that will surely capture your senses She produces potent cannabis buds with a powerful high. Her effect is mostly an ‘up-lifting’ mental high that gives you focus, clarity and energy combined with euphoric and relaxing physical relaxation.
Very excited for my first grow ever. My soil is the Biobizz-Light Mix in a 11L pot .I got so impatient that i even dug it out at some point to see the progress...i hope it won't have any consequences. The first days, i only sprayed the soil with some water to keep the soil moist. At Day 4 of germination i watered it for the first time with 250ml tap water at 6,5ph. I will run my light for 18 hours now at a distance of 60cm with full power. That will lead to round abot 215 ppfd and 12k lux for the final days of germination. At day 6 after germination two darker spots appeared on the first 2 leafs. I hope it’s just because of some water drops on the leafs. Watered every 3 days with 350-500ml of 6,5ph tap water. 23.05.24: For my definition the vegetative stage starts today. I will turn the light up to 500 pphd Very excited what will happen next!
Tag 8 : Das umtopfen in 1l Töpfe hat den Pflanzen gut getan sie entwickeln sich weiterhin gut, auf Lichtintensität 50% umgestellt Tag 9 : Lichtintensität auf 60% gestellt langsam erhöhen und beobachten, es bilden sich kleine Kugel Trichome auf den Blättern die sehr gut duften wenn man sie leicht reibt. Gegen 16:00 Uhr das Wasser mit Biobizz CalMag 0.3ml/l versetzt und mit BioBizz Bio Down auf einen PH Wert von 6,4 gebracht, anschließend alle Töpfe befeuchtet und mit kurzer Wartezeit 150ml Wasser pro Topf gegeben was 15% Topfvolumen der 1l Töpfe entspricht, es entsteht kein Drain. Tag 10: Den Pflanzen gefallen die größeren Töpfe und anscheinend auch das PH angepasste Wasser sowie das zusätzliche BioBizz CalMag es wird stetig Blattmasse zugelegt. Tag 11: Die Entwicklung schreitet gut voran, heute um 09:45 Uhr habe ich die Lichtintensität auf 70% erhöht und beobachte wie die Pflanzen reagieren, ich denke morgen wird wieder gegossen, das Gewicht der Töpfe kontrolliere ich mit einer Waage.
Yooooooooyoyoyoyoyooooo, Beginning of week 12. Could i harvest already? Yes. But i want to wait at least one more week until harvest so probably week 13. I read that waiting a week more than usual can boost potency and yield as long as it won't get too hot, but it won't - hopefully lol. The E.C. was kinda high 1.1 So i partially cleaned the reservoir, emptied about 6 liters and refilled it with pH water Well the Plant is looking absolutely stunning and is definitely one of the best looking plant i ever grew. In Reallife she is looking so much better. Over all trichomes over trichomes, the buds get more and more purple, and they look SO dense, I LOVE IT! Really good genetic. If i can get my hands on the Photoperiod strains from fastbuds i will grow some mother plants and will try cloning for the first time, Growing in Deep water culture is awesome. For me, it's more fun than on soil. i want to try coco but if i try coco i will buy something like the autopot system. im too stupid for hand watering and will screw up at some point. the less i have to handwater the lower the risk Thats for this week, have a wonderful day, and see you next week, cheers!
Legend Timestamp: 📅 EC - pH: ⚗️ Temp - Hum: 🌡️ Water: 🌊 Food: 🍗 pH Correction: 💧 Actions: 💼 Thoughts: 🧠 Events: 🚀 Media: 🎬 D: DAY, G: GERMINATION, V: VEGETATIVE, B: BLOOMING, R: RIPENING, D: DRYING, C: CURING ______________ 📅 D36/V32 - 21/05/24 ⚗️ EC: 1.0 pH: 6.0 🌡️ T: 20°C H: 70% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 LST 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL in her new home and one TL of LST job ______________ 📅 D37/V33 - 22/05/24 ⚗️ EC: 1.0 pH: 5.4 🌡️ T: 20°C H: 70% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 LST 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video and one TL of LST job ______________ 📅 D38/B01 - 23/05/24 ⚗️ EC: 1.0 pH: 5.3 🌡️ T: 20°C H: 70% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 As I saw clear signs of blooming, I need to pass to bloom phase so I put B01, in the header. 🚀 Clearly she's starting flowering 🎬 1 TL video
Saludos 🙌 completando la novena semana y tercera semana de floración. Las variaciones de temperatura continúan pero ella es ya de acostumbró, la humedad está actualmente en 80% y varía bastante también. La altura del panel led continúa la misma en relación a la semana pasada pero ahora la distancia hasta la planta se redujo a 4-5cm del cogollo más alto, el cual está sin main-lining. Buenos humos 🍃
W16 (15-5 to 21-5) 15-5 Temperature: 27.4 degrees (lights on) 21.2 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 58% (highest) 43% (lowest) As its very hot outside i decided to turn down the light's strength to 50% so the temps will not be so high anymore. Opened the reservoir for a couple of minutes. 16-5 Temperature: 26.7 degrees (lights on) 20.5 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 60% (highest) 47% (lowest) Dry weight: Kush #1: 4.9 kg. Kush #2: 5.1 kg. 17-5 Temperature: 26.4 degrees (lights on) 21 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 60% (highest) 51% (lowest) No pictures. 18-5 Temperature: 26.7 degrees (lights on) 22.6 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 56% (highest) 43% (lowest) No pictures. Dry weight: Kush #1: 4.3 kg. Kush #2: 4.6 kg. 19-5 Temperature: 27.5 degrees (lights on) 19.2 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 59% (highest) 42% (lowest) No pictures. Opened the reservoir for a couple of minutes. 20-5 Temperature: 27.8 degrees (lights on) 21.8 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 58% (highest) 44% (lowest) No pictures. 21-5 Temperature: 27.4 degrees (lights on) 21.2 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 58% (highest) 47% (lowest) Dry weight: Kush #1: 4.5 kg. Kush #2: 4.9 kg. Opened the reservoir for a couple of minutes. (Only watering the Gorilla Kush #1)
W16 (15-5 to 21-5) 15-5 Temperature: 27.4 degrees (lights on) 21.2 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 58% (highest) 43% (lowest) As its very hot outside i decided to turn down the light's strength to 50% so the temps will not be so high anymore. Opened the reservoir for a couple of minutes. 16-5 Temperature: 26.7 degrees (lights on) 20.5 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 60% (highest) 47% (lowest) Dry weight: Chemdog #1: 4.2 kg. Chemdog #2: 4.6 kg. 17-5 Temperature: 26.4 degrees (lights on) 21 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 60% (highest) 51% (lowest) No pictures. 18-5 Temperature: 26.7 degrees (lights on) 22.6 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 56% (highest) 43% (lowest) No pictures. Dry weight: Chemdog #1: 3.5 kg. Chemdog #2: 3.7 kg. 19-5 Temperature: 27.5 degrees (lights on) 19.2 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 59% (highest) 42% (lowest) No pictures. Opened the reservoir for a couple of minutes. 20-5 Temperature: 27.8 degrees (lights on) 21.8 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 58% (highest) 44% (lowest) No pictures. 21-5 Temperature: 27.4 degrees (lights on) 21.2 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 58% (highest) 47% (lowest) Dry weight: Chemdog #1: 3.5 kg. Chemdog #2: 3.8 kg. Opened the reservoir for a couple of minutes.
This week ia am planning to let it grow just like this. Hopefully I will receive a plant camera next week to monitor my VPD. Also added an IRheater to keep temperature stable The infrared heater does its job, but I find it a waste of electricity, 3.6 kWh in one night. So I've decided to install a gas heater instead, which delivers the same result at a much lower cost and also provides additional CO2. The heater can then keep the temperature above 21˚C with the lights off. The natural gas heater will be used with the lights on. I need to quickly find a CO2 sensor because too much CO2 has a counterproductive effect, as I've already noticed. Approximately 1200 PPM at 32˚C is optimal as long as I can maintain a DLI of 35. Great technology is on the way.
Week 2 of flower and week 8 from seed , the plants have really started spewing THC and they are looking and smelling amazing . The Black gelatos color has started coming in some are light purple some are very dark purple . If you'd like to know anything specific please leave a comment and I'll do my best to answer it .