Lavender-smelling weed strains have been hugely popular ever since the original Lavender, or Lavender Kush, was first introduced by Soma Seeds. Breeders like to showcase the lavender character of their creations by including the reference to this fragrant flower right into the strain’s name. Other strains with lavender flavors often have the words ‘purple’, ‘pink’, ‘lilac’, ‘violet’, or ‘rose’ in their names – they all invoke the colors characteristic of flower petals, and lavender genetics seems to be closely related to floral strains in general. It’s often hard to pinpoint the exact terpene (or mix of terpenes) that results in a specific flavor in weed, but it isn’t the case with lavender strains – we know that they smell and taste this way because they are rich in linalool, a rather rare but recognizable terpene. Linalool smells a lot like fresh linen and is associated with a mellow, calm, and content type of high. It’s used medicinally to combat anxiety, inflammation, and even microbial infections. The majority of lavender-flavored strains are Indicas or hybrids, plus a few Sativas for those who seek a daytime-type of medicine.