Day 43 : Watering with co2 tab / 5L. Also added food again because i think they need it. Increased ppm to 850. Maybe the next one will be pure water. Ventilation works all the time when lights are on. Temp and humi are stable and this is good for the girls. 5 cm in 3 days. Patience is the key always. Also removed some burned leaves from all ladies.
Edit (Day 47) : Watering with co2 tab every 5L. I watered with juices again at 850ppm because i felt that they need it. Only DsD drank pure water because of burns. Also 4cm in 4 days. She will be low yielder with good stuff. It smells sickkkk.
@Ferenc, The conditions are not easy for all of us. So we still try to grow , stay safe and have a decent result. Difficult for many experiments , so need more time to reach my goal!
@Papastroumf, Oh well, takes time or opportunity to have big set up with different plants 😅
As the years pass, you will have a chance to work with the most fantastic strains and get the best experience ever ;)