After two weeks I finaly has something to grow. I hope the rest of this run gets easier. Pretty sure these seeds comes from an indoor grow. I will keep them inside untill the outdoor temperature and weather gets better.
Do people swap seeds in here or is it forbidden? As none of us have the facilities that the big companies have, it's hard to make a proper selection of the seeds (crosses) we produce ourselves. Could be both fun and beneficial for all involved - 😎
@Canescannabis, Thanks, I will put them outside today. The start was so erratic that I got all vorried about them. The weather is picking up too - so a protected place on the balcony it is. 😎
Best wishes with the grow!! 🙏 I would personally try to get it out of the window and outside during days as much as possible. Being an autoflower the veg stage runs out fast but I hope they grow big and healthy
@Canescannabis, Thanks, I will put them outside today. The start was so erratic that I got all vorried about them. The weather is picking up too - so a protected place on the balcony it is. 😎