The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

Mephisto Medley

3 years ago
Custom Light Emitting Diodes/240W
Room Type
weeks 3
weeks 3
weeks 3-7
weeks 3-9
Coco Coir
Grow medium
Grow medium
15 L
Pot Size
4 years ago
Nutrients 1
MEGA CROP  - Greenleaf Nutrients
MEGA CROP 0.13 mll
Decided to stack out the tents to max capacity. Running a total of 7 plants, 5 different Meph strains - 2 x MBAP, 2 x Super Orange Haze, 1 x Pink Panama, 1 x Walter White, 1x Bubblegum Smile (freebie cross Hubbabubbahaze x Mango Smile). The 3 single strains will run in the smaller tent under the LEDs, and will be manually fertigated for the full cycle. The 2 pairs will run in the bigger tent under the Kingbrite 480w and will be on Autopots as soon as they are big enough. My germination method is actually a cross between glass of water and paper towel. I soak the seeds for about 12 hours in a glass of water, then into wet paper towels which go into an old ice cream tub with some holes in the lid, which in turn goes in the airing cupboard. All seven seeds were showing sprouts 36 hours later. Then they were potted up into 1 liter starter pots with Ecothrive coco/perlite 70/30 mix. This was pre-buffered with very small amounts of calmag and 0.5g / gallon of MC. All seven seeds had broken ground within 48 hours of planting, completing a 100% successful germination period which took about 4 days from the time I opened the seed packets. I start counting day 1 the day they break through the soil. I just drip feed via a pipette for the first 10 days or so. My base water is RO with a small amount of tap water for PH stability. Nutrients ~~~~~~ CalMag: 0.95ml / gallon (0.25ml / liter) MegaCrop: 0.5g / gallon (0.13g / liter) Total EC: 200 PH: 5.7 It's gonna get crowded in these tents! Lets do this.
Used method
Paper Towel
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
4 years ago
5.08 cm
24 hrs
29 °C
125 PPM
70 %
20 °C
1 L
0 L
76.2 cm
Nutrients 1
MEGA CROP  - Greenleaf Nutrients
MEGA CROP 0.13 mll
One week into the grow, and all is looking well. Starting to see quite a bit of variation in growth rates across the different strains. The MBAP, WW and BGS have all grown exceptionally. The SOH are looking healthy, but a little slow. The PP is a little slow, and had some deformities in the first set of leaves. The second set of leaves are looking better, so hopefully there won't be any problem, but I've got my eye on that one for sure. The 4 faster growing plants will likely be transplanted this week, hopefully the slower ones won't be far behind. Been a struggle to keep temps down - having some hot temps in south of UK at the moment, and I think some of these girls are taking the heat better than others. Just about managing to keep it under 30C. This heat is expected to end later this week, then we should be able to have some more reasonable temps. Currently watering 3 x daily to 10% runoff, which doesn't take much in these little 1L starter pots. Nutrients ~~~~~~ CalMag: 0.95ml / gallon (0.25ml / liter) MegaCrop: 0.6g / gallon (0.13g / liter) Total EC: 250 PH: 5.7 Until next week. Happy growing everyone!
1 comment
Week 2. Vegetation
4 years ago
7.62 cm
24 hrs
27 °C
175 PPM
70 %
20 °C
15 L
2 L
76.2 cm
Nutrients 1
MEGA CROP  - Greenleaf Nutrients
MEGA CROP 0.26 mll
Hello fellow growers! Another week into this mixed run of Mephisto Genetics. The object of the game this week was transplanting up from 1L starter pots into final containers. Each strain has had varying levels of growth and as a result I have been transplanting them individually throughout the week as they've grown. Most of the plants didn't seem to even notice the transplant, and just kept on trucking. But the PP and the 2xSOH certainly slowed for a day or two, and as you can see from the pics they're clearly a couple days behind the others now. Not worried at all, as they have since picked back up - sometimes they just take a little time to find their feet in their final containers. The WW has thrown a mutation and now has 3 leaves / branches per node. The first 2 nodes were normal, but the 3rd node had 3, and the 4th node also appears to have 3. Growth is looking good post-transplant, but going to get very bushy if this trait continues. Interesting to see what happens. The stars of the week have been the 2xMBAP. Absolutely crazy growth, and so far I've only been providing trace amounts of nutes. Proper feeding levels will now commence this week, starting at 1g a gallon, and working up to 4g slowly over the next 3 weeks or so. All the plants are currently being manually fertigated 3 times a day. The MBAP and SOH will be going on to autopots in the near future. Nutrients ~~~~~~ CalMag: 0.95ml / gallon (0.25ml / liter) MegaCrop: 0.75g / gallon (0.19g / liter) Total EC: 350 PH: 5.7 Until next time....
Week 3. Vegetation
4 years ago
12.7 cm
24 hrs
27 °C
No Smell
525 PPM
70 %
20 °C
15 L
2 L
76.2 cm
Nutrients 1
MEGA CROP  - Greenleaf Nutrients
MEGA CROP 0.846 mll
Well, it's been another busy week in the garden, and things are getting interesting. The coolest thing about a mixed run is seeing all the differences between the strains, all growing at different speeds, having different structures, different shapes..... It's gonna look awesome when the tents are in full flower. And with them all at slightly different stages, it's kept me with things to do every day. Some highlights from the week: MBAP #1 - Fimmed, LST'd and defoliated on day 16 MBAP #2 - Fimmed, LST'd and defoliated on day 17 Walter White - I normally fim my autos, but given that this plant had the 3-way node mutation, I decided to top and see if we can get some nice 3-way main cola action going. Topped on day 18. SOH #1 & #2 - Haven't even started training these yet due to size, and they are already throwing pistils!! Both first started to show signs of sex around day 16. #1 had clearly defined pistils by day 18, and #2 had them the next day. I think these may be some fast finishers, never seen them go into pre-flower this early. Will raise a grow question to see if anyone else has any experience of this. BGS - Fimmed, LST'd and defoliated on day 20 All the plants have started some form of training except the PP and 2 x SOH. The SOH have already begun sign of going into pre-flower. Given their small stature I'm inclined to simply stick to LST and avoid high stress techniques, so I don't think I'll be fimming or topping these ones. All plants are still on the same feeding schedule for now, but I think I'm going to have to start independent schedules this week, as they are clearly developing at different rates and will have different nutrient requirements. But for now, the current feeding looks like this: Nutrients ~~~~~~ CalMag: 0.95ml / gallon (0.25ml / liter) MegaCrop: 3g / gallon (0.79g / liter) Total EC: 1050 PH: 5.7 Tasks for the week ahead - get the MBAP and SOH onto autopots. This will cut my manual watering by more than half, saving time, sanity and my marriage :) Happy days. Catch you all in a week....
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Used techniques
Grow Questions
GWSD82started grow question 4 years ago
I have 2 x Super Orange Haze Autos. All the autos I've grown previously haven't shown signs of flowering until around 30 days at least. These were showing pistils at day 18. Anyone else have experience with autos going into flower so soon? I assume they will be faster finishers?
Plant. Other
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Greenwolvesfarmeranswered grow question 4 years ago
Hola mi bro ! Hay algunas plantas de muestran su sexo a temprana edad ,eso quiere decir que su cantidad de pistilos y terpenos serán de una buena cantidad y "mayor" , pero no siempre te indica que será de floración más corta ! Saludos hermanooo
Week 4. Vegetation
4 years ago
30.48 cm
24 hrs
27 °C
700 PPM
60 %
20 °C
15 L
2 L
76.2 cm
Nutrients 2
MEGA CROP  - Greenleaf Nutrients
MEGA CROP 1.042 mll
Bud Explosion - Greenleaf Nutrients
Bud Explosion 0.13 mll
Here we are, about a month into the grow and the tents are starting to kick into flower. The BGS was the last one to start showing, but even she is starting to throw pistils like crazy now. I've marked this down as the last week of veg as transition is well underway across all plants. The 2xMBAP and 2xSOH are now on autopots, so one tent is now fully automated, and my manual watering has been cut by more than half, happy days :) All the plants seems to be doing well, apart from one of the SOH. The other SOH slowed a little after transplant, but this one seemed to stunt, and didn't grow for about a week. As such, it is noticeably smaller and this will have an impact on the yield, but it is starting to grow better now. All the environmental and nutritional factors were identical, I'm guessing I could have been gentler with the transplant. I may go back to just putting them in final containers from the start, but I like the control of a smaller pot in the early days. We'll see. I do feel quite lucky that they all have kicked off into flowering within a short period of each other. Having them all at the same stage means I don't have to continually make up different batches of nutes for each individual plant, which was one concern I had. Bud Explosion has been added into the nutrient mix, which is currently: Nutrients ~~~~~~ CalMag: 0.95ml / gallon (0.25ml / liter) MegaCrop: 4g / gallon (1.06g / liter) Bud Explosion: 0.5g / gallon (0.13ml / liter) Total EC: 1400 PH: 5.8 With the addition of P&K in the feed, I will gradually increase PH up to around 6.0 over the course of the week for better absorption. Will steadily increase the levels of BE up to about 1.5g a gallon across the board. And of course, with the flowering, comes the fragrance!! Very early days so far, but those aromas are starting to happen.... can't wait for all those smells to be pouring out of the tent every time I open the door :) Have a good week and happy growing to everybody!
Used techniques
Week 5. Flowering
4 years ago
35.56 cm
24 hrs
27 °C
900 PPM
50 %
20 °C
15 L
2 L
76.2 cm
Nutrients 2
MEGA CROP  - Greenleaf Nutrients
MEGA CROP 1.302 mll
Bud Explosion - Greenleaf Nutrients
Bud Explosion 0.26 mll
Well, the bad news this week was that I managed to drop an entire brand new bottle of CalMag on the concrete garage floor, where it cracked right up the seam and went everywhere. I now have a nice red stain on the floor and up the wall to remind me to not be a clumsy oaf. The good news is that in the 4 days it took to ship another bottle, most of the girls managed fine without it. The 2xMBAP were the ones that were affected, with the bigger one picking a nasty Mag deficiency. She's looking very pale, and a little sorry for herself, but the new bottle of CalMag arrived this morning, so hopefully I can get her to perk back up over the next few days. The 2xSOH are just starting to show frost, even the stunted little sister is coming along. BGS and Pink Panama are still very much in early-flowering and haven't really begun to stretch yet. Star of the week has to go to the Walter White, with a mighty 8-inch stretch in 5 days. Feeding schedule has been: Nutrients ~~~~~~ MegaCrop: 5g / gallon (1.32g / liter) Bud Explosion: 1g / gallon (0.26g / liter) Total EC: 1800 PH: 5.9 Happy growing everyone :)
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Used techniques
Week 6. Flowering
4 years ago
55.88 cm
24 hrs
27 °C
1100 PPM
50 %
20 °C
15 L
2 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 2
MEGA CROP  - Greenleaf Nutrients
MEGA CROP 1.562 mll
Bud Explosion - Greenleaf Nutrients
Bud Explosion 0.391 mll
I love it when the tents begin to start stinking up the place :) A mixture of strains in flower provides a wonderful smell!! The WW is coming on with a sharp, lemony aroma. The PP hasn't really started to smell yet, and the Bubblegum Smile is starting to smell like, well, bubblegum! The Hubbabubbahaze genes coming through loud and clear. The SOH have a citrus and petrol vibe, while the MBAP seem to remind me of a wet forest floor carpeted with pine needles, all earthy and muddy. Another week into flower with these girls, and most of them are having a blast. Continued to have some issues with my 2 x MBAP. They share 1 tank between them and had been suffering from a deficiency, I started upping the calmag and nutes, but the trouble is the size difference between them. One is twice the size of the other, and therefore needs way more than the other. By the time the feed was strong enough to satisfy the larger plant, the smaller had started to get burn on the tips. I've got some more equipment on the way to set up another res to give them a dedicated feeding tank. For now, I've just put a peg on the input tube of the smaller plant, and I'm topping up the tray with a slightly lighter solution manually every few hours until the stuff arrives. Yes, that's as much of a pain in the ass as it sounds. My stunted little SOH is loving life, she may not yield much, but she's not shy about pushing some frosty trichs and dense looking nugs! Super sticky, she's gonna be quality over quantity. The Walter White continues to impress with it's long, tall structure. The BGS looks good, but is the exact opposite in terms of shape, very low and bushy. Reminds me of the White Crack I grew. They never got very big in size, but had easily my best ever yield - thick colas of pure muscle. The PP is furthest behind in terms of development. She's throwing pistols, but hasn't really stretched or starting putting out any buds yet. She could go on for a while longer. I'm not going to list out all the nutes, as nearly all the plants are on slightly different mixes depending on their size and how far developed they are, but if I was to estimate an average, it would be around 5 grams / gallon of MC (6.5gs for the big MBAP) and 1.25 grams BE / gallon. I've got 7 plants, so for defoliating, I trim 1 plant each day of the week. By the end of the week, the first plant is ready for another round :) Happy growing everyone!
Used techniques
Week 7. Flowering
4 years ago
55.88 cm
24 hrs
27 °C
1100 PPM
50 %
20 °C
15 L
2 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 2
MEGA CROP  - Greenleaf Nutrients
MEGA CROP 1.562 mll
Bud Explosion - Greenleaf Nutrients
Bud Explosion 0.391 mll
7 weeks in, and the girls are flowering nicely. Some are close to peak bloom and max feed levels (MBAP) and some have only just started to form the first small buds (PP). The 2 x MBAP and 2 x SOH seem to be the furthest along. Interesting that these are under the much more powerful 480w QB. I've no idea if there's any correlation between light intensity and the speed of an autoflower's life cycle, but all the plants I've grown under the QB seem to finish much quicker than those under the purple LEDs. Pink Panama first started showing small noticeable budding around day 45 (compared to SOH which started flowering around day 18), so I think she's gonna be one of the last to finish up. Check out the long, spindly fan leaves in the pic, the sativa is strong in this one. The mixture of different smells coming from these ladies is absolutely mouth watering. It's more like a taste than a smell!! The WW is reeking like lemon meringue pie. Not a sharp lemon smell, but real smooth and creamy. The BGS straight up smells like "Anglo Bubbly" brand bubblegum, if you know it. Super Orange Haze is certainly living up to it's name, giving off a sweet, cloying Sunny Delight type smell. But over the top off all those smells lurks the MBAP. Fuck me, this stuff stinks. Heavy and dank as hell, like some kind of swamp beast. It's quite menacing, leaves you wondering if it's safe to breathe it in :) I've had some feeding issues with the MBAP along the way, but it's knocking out some fat buds for sure. Nice long, bulky colas, which are probably going to need some support soon. The Walter White is also super impressive. She's been LST'd as much as space would allow, but the thing still looks so much like a damn Christmas tree that I want to put a star on top. Feeding levels of MC range from 5g a gallon up to 6.5g a gallon depending on the plant. Bud Explosion ranging from 1.5 to 2g a gallon. Have a great bank holiday everyone :)
Used techniques
Week 8. Flowering
4 years ago
55.88 cm
24 hrs
29 °C
1000 PPM
55 %
22 °C
15 L
2 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 2
MEGA CROP  - Greenleaf Nutrients
MEGA CROP 1.302 mll
Bud Explosion - Greenleaf Nutrients
Bud Explosion 0.391 mll
It's been a hot and humid week in my little corner of the UK... struggling to keep variables at a decent level. Temps creeping up over 30C in the tent sometimes, and RH giving me major anxiety, not getting below 55%. Got a few more days before it gets better, and I'm praying to the weed gods to spare me from the dreaded rot. I've got the AC infinitys cranked up to max, I've brought in extra fans and the dehumidifier is running 24/7 in the room where the tents are. Just got to keep my fingers crossed. Anyway, enough grumbling, there's plenty to be smiling about. Walter White is putting on weight, fattening up those big, long colas and the frost levels are getting insane. Super sticky, and crazy strong lemony terps. And the best part is, I think she still has a while to go... checking the trichs under the microscope show mostly clear and just starting to get cloudy in places. Bubblegum Smile is coming along, another 10 days or so and I think she could be ready. All cloudy trichs under the scope, and I spotted one or 2 just popped amber. Pink Panama taking her time. She has stretched a good deal, but still around 8 inches shorter than WW. No smell from her yet, but buds are only just forming. She's in for the long haul. First one to be getting the chop looks to be SOH #2, aka the stunted little freak. She will be coming down at some point this week. About 30% amber trichs already, she has ripened up a lot quicker than her big sister SOH #1, which has another week or so left, at least. I will post all the harvest details for both SOH once they are both fully dried and weighed. And finally, my very own 2 fat ladies. 2 x MBAP, with buds so fat and heavy they look comical swaying in the breeze of the fans.... I really should get some stakes to hold those up or something. This strain was probably the one I was most looking forward to trying from this grow, and seeing / smelling them now, I haven't changed my mind. The smell borders on offensive, it's just so powerful and in your face.... cannot wait to smoke some of this. Trichs are mostly cloudy on these girls, still some clear, no signs of any amber yet. Another 2 weeks maybe, we'll see how they progress. I've started to back off the Nitrogen levels by reducing the amount of MC, especially so in the cases of the plants where chopping could be happening in the next week or so. Happy days :) Except for the humidity. That sucks.
Used techniques
Week 9. Flowering
4 years ago
60.96 cm
24 hrs
29 °C
900 PPM
55 %
22 °C
15 L
2 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 2
MEGA CROP  - Greenleaf Nutrients
MEGA CROP 1.042 mll
Bud Explosion - Greenleaf Nutrients
Bud Explosion 0.521 mll
The first plant has been chopped. SOH #2 was quite stunted due to me being a bit heavy handed during transplant. But that didn't stop her. She got the chop at day 61. I'll be happy if she pulls an ounce dry, fingers crossed. Her bigger sister, SOH #1 is not far behind, probably getting the chop later this week. She will give a much more satisfying yield! When they are both dried and weighed, I will post the harvest details. This meant a space opened up in the bigger tent, so I've moved the Walter White into the recently vacated spot. The 2 x MBAP are both looking nearly done. Trichomes are all cloudy, with only 1 or 2 amber spots here and there. With the heat, they have started to foxtail a little, so I don't want to leave them too much longer if they're getting stressed and throwing out fresh pistils. Another week I think for those girls and that should just about do it. Can't really see from the pics, but I've managed to get some chopsticks under the canopy to use like stakes for a little support, because these buds are packing weight. Bubblegum smile is coming on nicely. Some really sweet, candy-like terps coming from her now. 1-2 weeks left I feel. Walter White and Pink Panama still have some ways to go, so they will be the last ones standing. 2 weeks and then some more I feel. Walter White is coming on like a beast. Big, long colas like baseball bats. Have to admit I'm a little worried about mold, struggling to keep RH down, it's been around 55% for 2 weeks now. I've got good airflow and exhaust, just have to hope it's enough. Once or or 2 more plants come down, there will be less transpiration going on, and less pots evaporating moisture into the air so hopefully that should alleviate the situation. Other than that, it's all good :) I see a lot of trimming in the coming weeks! Happy growing!
Used techniques
Week 10. Flowering
3 years ago
60.96 cm
24 hrs
29 °C
900 PPM
55 %
22 °C
15 L
2 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 2
MEGA CROP  - Greenleaf Nutrients
MEGA CROP 1.042 mll
Bud Explosion - Greenleaf Nutrients
Bud Explosion 0.521 mll
I've been mega busy recently, so sorry for the lack of pics and updates! Haven't done any i a couple of weeks, so just trying to do this from memory. So just briefly - this was at 70 days. The bigger of the 2 SOH was chopped at day 65, and the 2 x MBAP were chopped on day 70. Would like to have left for a few days longer, but worries about mold couldn't be ignored. I will post all the harvest details for SOH and MBAP in a couple of weeks when they are dried and weighed. Pink Panama and Walter White have moved to the other tent, and BGS is still hanging on, but getting chopped any day now. The PP has a deficiency of some sort that has taken hold very quickly. Dry, crispy leaves, mottled with brown patches. I suspect Mag, but we are nearly at the end of this grow, and I think she will ride it out until the end. These 2 have another week or so left in them. Walter White is packing on weight like crazy, and is literally spilling out of the tent as you can see from the pics. Crazy colas! Happy growing!
Week 11. Flowering
3 years ago
60.96 cm
24 hrs
29 °C
900 PPM
55 %
22 °C
15 L
2 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 2
MEGA CROP  - Greenleaf Nutrients
MEGA CROP 1.042 mll
Bud Explosion - Greenleaf Nutrients
Bud Explosion 0.521 mll
Well, we are finally at the last stage! Bubblegum Smile was chopped this week at day 74, so harvest details will follow in a couple of weeks. This leaves just Walter White and Pink Panama still going, although both are nearly ready - they will both be chopped later this week. WW has had to be tied up for support, the weight of that huge main cola was just too much. PP has fattened up nicely, despite the nasty deficiency it had in the last week or so. The pink coloration hasn't come out much, but it's definitely there. I feel growing this in winter with some colder temps might bring the color out. So, this will be the last weekly update, I will post harvest details for each strain as and when then have finished drying. It's been a fun grow, but packing the tents as much as this doesn't seem practical. I feel 5 plants with better training and more space would give the same results as 7 crammed together.... but these are nice lessons to learn! Watch this space for the harvests coming up over the next few weeks :)
Week 11. Harvest
3 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Another great strain from Mephisto. Plenty of that orange citrus tang, very nice to smell and smoke, lots of flavour. Not a huge yield, and the buds are a little on the airy side, could have benefited from more room to stretch and LST. Harvested 2 plants, one was stunted at transplant and chopped a week before her sister. Was hoping for an ounce dry off the little stunted plant, but after drying she weighed in at just 21 grams. The bigger plant yielded 64 grams dry, so not huge but still a very tasty smoke. Buzz is energetic and it's good stuff for smoking in the daytime.
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Spent 83 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
262.5 g
Bud wet weight per plant
42.5 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Energetic, Giggly, Uplifted
Positive effects
Fruity, Sweet, Tropical

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
These girls were fast out of the blocks, starting to flower at around 18-21 days. They were the first plants of the grow to finish. The little stunted one was chopped a week or so before the bigger one. The little stunted plant heaved up 21 grams once dry, so not quite the ounce I'd hoped for. The bigger plant managed 64 grams dry, so a total of 85 grams dry from the 2 plants, around 3 ounces or so. Whilst the yield wasn't hugely impressive, what we have got is a great example of a nice sweet sativa dominant strain. Lots of orange goodness in the smell and taste. The buds were a little on the airy side, but given the high temps and humidity in flower, they were never going to get as dense as they could. But it's a great smoke, especially if you need something a bit more energizing during the daytime.
Week 11. Harvest
3 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
This strain literally dominated the smell in tent! This is some noxious, gassy stuff!! Grew exceptionally well with little intervention on my part. The smoke is creamy and full of flavour. Very earthy. And very potent! It's a very heavy buzz, with plenty of couch lock, definitely a night time strain! 2 plants heaved up a total of 205g, so just over 7 ounces. Great stuff!
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Spent 83 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
635.5 g
Bud wet weight per plant
102.5 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Hungry, Relaxed, Sleepy
Positive effects
Earthy, Pungent, Woody

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
The stickiest, smelliest girls in the grow have finally been trimmed and jarred! Pulled just over 7 ounces of some seriously top shelf bud. Large, dense buds, full of frost which coats your fingers if you break up a nug by hand. They were fox-tailing like crazy come the end, but they endured some very high temps, so I'm happy to get a good haul from them. Very loud smell on these girls - carbon filter is essential unless you want your house smelling like a swamp!
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1 comment
Week 11. Harvest
3 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
She smells just like her name - pure bubblegum and candy vibes, like candy floss at the fairground. Despite the wonderful smell, the taste is a little bland and it lacks a lot of the flavour and potency which I've come to associate and love about Mephisto strains. Don't get me wrong, it's still some very nice weed, but a little underwhelming compared to the others. Which is a shame, as I have a drawer full of these seeds from freebies!
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Spent 83 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
447 g
Bud wet weight per plant
69 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Hungry, Relaxed
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry mouth
Negative effects

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Would have benefited from a lot more space to stretch out. Very short, bushy structure in a cramped space meant not much light reaching the lowers. Still the end product is a nice, if a little underwhelming smoke. 69 grams dry was a reasonable return, but feel I could have done better by her.
Week 11. Harvest
3 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
She was slow to get going, but she really went for it in the last few weeks. Not a really pink pheno, just some hints of color around some of the tips of the sugar leaves. She smells wonderfully rich - almost chocolatey, with some coffee and plum scents coming through. She managed to pull 111g dry which was more than I thought I would get - the buds are hard, heavy and super frosty :) She's a wonderful smoke too, full of character. This really is a lovely strain, haven't really had anything quite like it before, so if you're looking for something a bit different, this is definitely one to try!
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Spent 83 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
790 g
Bud wet weight per plant
111 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Happy, Relaxed, Uplifted
Positive effects

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
She was slow to get flowering - about 45 days before really showing, but then she finished up in the last few weeks very quickly indeed - There was quite the stretch with this one, not quite as much as the WW, but still ended up closer to the lights than I would have liked, but space meant I couldn't stretch her out as much as I would have liked. Super pleased with the result :)
Week 11. Harvest
3 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Saving the best til last! Not just the biggest, but also the best of the 5 strains in this diary! For a 3-way mutant, she hugely exceeded all my expectations. Topped at around 3 weeks, the three main resulting colas shot for the skies and starting packing on the weight. For reasons unknown to me, this seems to be one of the lesser grown Mephisto plants, and I have no idea why it doesn't get more love. Absolutely my favourite Meph strain to date. It might not have quite the same potency as White Crack, but it's still noticeably stronger than any of the other strains in this grow. Frosty and full of flavour. Smells like lemon meringue pie, sweet and zesty. And at 202g dry, she is, by some margin, the biggest yielding single auto I've grown :) The buds have real weight to them - even smaller nugs just break up and expand into huge fluffy piles. This strain needs way more attention, so this would 100% be my recommendation for anyone who asks what Mephisto strain to grow next. I know the strains in their drops can be a bit limited sometimes, so if you ever see this in stock, make sure you grab some while you can!
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Spent 83 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
1190 g
Bud wet weight per plant
202 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Euphoric, Happy, Hungry
Positive effects
Citrus, Cream, Sweet

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Given the size of the colas and buds, I had to give WW a couple extra days drying, she hung for 16 days total. Timed it well, after trimming and jarring, the hygros were reading 67%, so a nice slow cure will softly bring that down to 62%. This was by far the most I've pulled off a single auto, 7 ounces, and it is some dense, frosty stuff. I used the same trim bin to trim up all these plants without emptying it and I'm sure this plant is responsible for most of the 22g of kief collected from the bin. I'll be turning that into some hash at some point and I'll try to remember to stick a picture up.
1 comment


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Ferenccommentedweek 84 years ago
Hehe happy UK growing @GWSD82
GWSD82commented4 years ago
@Ferenc, Happy growing to you too, my friend! The UK weather is making things a little stressful, but the determined grower grows on regardless :)
Cannabeast40commentedweek 04 years ago
Wish you best of luck and happy growing 😊🙌
DreamITcommentedweek 04 years ago
Enjoy growth mate 🦄🍀🤘
BCN_Growercommentedweek 93 years ago
A que distancia y potencia tiene el panel led?
GWSD82commented3 years ago
@BCN_Grower, this panel's light power is 1429 umol/m²/s @ 20 inches. I try and keep it 24 inches from the plant at full power.
MrJonescommentedweek 113 years ago
💯👍Great Looking Harvest and Diray Keep Up The Great Farming!👍💯
Ganjafarmer420flowerscommentedweek 113 years ago
Really nice going friend hope you enjoy your smoke and looking forward to your next ones 🤜🤛❤️🔥
MrJonescommentedweek 94 years ago
Great Report Wishing You a Mid Week Health and Farming Blessing - Be Well!
MrJonescommentedweek 24 years ago
👍Rock On! What Can You Say Your Grow Looks Great!👍
RastaMousecommentedweek 24 years ago
I do love there genetics. Best of luck bro but they look great so far🙏👌🏻😎
DoDrugs420commentedweek 14 years ago
Sooo lit.
MrJonescommentedweek 04 years ago
Very good luck my friend!
homerjgangiacommentedweek 04 years ago
Good luck with your grow mate!💪💪
iHateSativacommentedweek 113 years ago
Happy Harvest
iHateSativacommentedweek 113 years ago
Happy Harvest
JamMAKEcancommentedweek 04 years ago
good luck with your grow👍 and have fun with the grow buddy.and your harvest
the end.
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