Diary Legend:
💧- Watered
🌱- Seedling
🌲- Cut Down
🍃- Defoliation
✂️- Topping or FIM'ING
🚂- Training (LST)
10/8/21: Day 9. 💧Gave another large dose of water, even though the pot overall is still heavy. Plant was looking a little yellow to me, so I decided adding a bit more water couldn't hurt.
10/11/21: Day 12. Still haven't added any more water, but tomorrow night call for a soaking. Growth is looking great, coming back nicely. It should certainly end up being a lot bigger than I originally thought.
10/13/21: Day 14. 💧Growth is really starting to pick up, new leaves are coming in fast. Pot is finally feeling light, so I will give it a large dose of water.
Curling of the leaves!
Anyone know why this is? Other plants are fine, temperature isn't anything extraordinary, watering levels are on schedule, and the same nutrient dosage as many other plants.
It looks like she been over watered by her blistered looking leaves, and I suspect the lower half of her roots have been too wet, watering to much in organic soil will cause all sorts of weird looking plants with toxicities like the nitrogen one you have. Try watering only when the pot feels really light