She's finally growing again. Poor thing. I fed her a little because she's in serious trouble. Considering an early harvest just to put her out of my misery.
@Wanda,Oh verzeihe bitte, ich habe den falschen Anschein gemacht. Wenn deine Pflanzen so hervorragend aussehen, muss der Duft deiner Pflanzen betörend sein. Mir schwanden die Sinne bei dieser Vorstellung. Ok, ich habe ein wenig übertrieben.
@MrJones, it was born with helmet head, fell over and the stem started turning brown. Boo. I got out my razor, took off the seed cap and split the sheath pinning the leaves together. As of now, it's growing again. Yay!
@Kush_queen, I'm definitely keeping at it. I haven't had to buy flower in ages and that was my entire point in this. Mission accomplished, now I'm working on quality and that seems to be getting a lot better too. 👍