Had a lot going on this week so the plants didnt get any care or maintenance at all other than just checking on the water level a couple times. They need some major defoliation which I wanted to do this week but procrastination is the vibes currently. Will probably get some done next week.... the plants are looking good and most of them are bushing out pretty nice. They dont seem to be stretching as much as they normally do by this time, but they are transitioning to flower. Will probably do a flush and water change soon since they haven't had one in over a month. I'm just anxious to see some frosty buds at this point.
@Wicked_Stix, she said something to me and made good point and it really made me see how bad it was. She said you check and water the vegetables in the garden once a day but check the other garden 45 times and still nothing is any different. I really had no way to defend it.
Despite the headroom challenge, she looks pretty good 👍
I feel your pain. My Strawberry Dawg Pie has stretched into the lights - I wish I had 6" of clearance. Things are getting crispy. Perhaps I should have employed some 'Bitch Slappin' as you did in week 3 😂