Plant loved last watering (or else the rainwater flush the next day). With external temps above 80°, I direct an oscillating patio fan standing on screened porch about 6' away toward plant during the day. Plant moves onto screened porch every night under ceiling fan. Sprayed with Doctor Zymes Eliminator RTU twice this week after seeing more overnight thrip(?) damage on large fan leaves near bottom, THEN decided to prune away a few other fan leaves (inward facing, not attached to buds) and tuck a few others to maximize sun exposure. Gentle LST, which consists mostly of me gently pulling/bending branches downward (they stay in place for awhile). I tend to tilt plant slightly to maximixe sun exposure to interior of plant and to allow air flow under pot. Feeling good about the number of buds visible in upper half of plant. No nutes this week. Today one finger of one fan leaf has yellow specks visible from both sides of leaf. Dunno what that is and don't want to spray again before the weekend.
This is my 2d grow season and my first using organic rice hulls in soil mix and as mulch. Should I worry about the difference between carbonized rice hulls and my "regular" hulls? Does either alter soil balance of nutrients?
non-charred hulls would mold. They are a food source, but that's only if they where kept moist all the times.
use them for now or chair them yourself, there youtube clips about it.
Good Luck!
This morning I found yellow spots visible on both sides of this one leaf. Soil mix includes diatomaceous earth (I top off each week) + 1/4 mosquito dunk crumbled into topsoil. Are spots a sign of fungus? Insect? Too much rain? Remove leaf/part? Spray Dr Zymes? Ty!
There is a few issue it seem:
-white powdery mildew that you could treat spraying 4 part milk 6 part water (white stuff everywhere)
- thrips that you could treat efficiently with SPINOSAD (small white dot)
- calcium deficency (medium yellow dot on leaf tips)
This week's pics incl close-up of yellow spots visible on both sides of this one leaf. Soil mix includes diatomaceous earth (I top off each week) + 1/4 mosquito dunk crumbled into bits worked into topsoil. Are spots a sign of fungus? Insect? Too much rain? Something else? Ty!
Continually adding Diamataceous Earth will cause your substrate to become highly alkaline, not sure why you would be using it every week.
Yellow spots look like burning from feeding too much or too often or both maybe?