7th of July used Fox Farm "Grow Big" nutes.
Plant had grown to top of first space bucket by the 10th of July.
Spacer added (height of 5 gallon bucket) to move CFLs further away.
12th of July switched 3 of the 4 CFL bulbs to LEDs (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B06ZYMB8TD/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) which brought total watts to 104.
13th of July plant moved from space bucket to grow tent.
Grow tent 38"W 38"L 68"H
4x 60W LED bulbs 2ft from the top of the plant.
14th July - 8 inches tall, 12 inches wide.
Thanks, 100% of this will be luck if she survives! Getting much stronger lights in a couple of days so hopefully she'll like that. How's your Wedding Cake?