
#1 Gelato Auto

2 years ago
Room Type
EB Stone Recipe 420
Grow medium
Germination Method
Paper Towel
Method used by growers
Statistics by method
Avg. success - 93%
Method popularity - 40%
Gelato Auto
Avg. success
Fast Buds - 93%
Gelato Auto - 94%
Commented by
FishBud FishBud
2 years ago
Day 1 LFG
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Grow Questions
FishBudstarted grow question 2 years ago
My tallest plant has curling leaves and the edges are getting yellow. Wondering if there is an issue with water, light cycle, distance to light, etc…?
Leaves. Edges burnt
Leaves. Curl down
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GrowingGrannieanswered grow question 2 years ago
THIS IS NITROGEN TOXICITY!!!! You don't give any information in your diary about the nutes you're giving her but you're giving her WAY too much nitrogen and may have created a lockout. Have you checked the PH of your runoff (do you even HAVE runoff when you water? It doesn't look like it, tbh but you should ... it helps clean out the soil so the nutes don't build up and lock out the plant's ability to take up nutrients)... PH of what you give her (both water and feed) should be between 6.0 and 6.5 as should the runoff (when you water, you need to try for a 10-20% runoff and test that water). If you don't have a PH pen, I've got to tell you that's the ONE tool that I wish I had invested in very early in my growing ... Just get one - it solves and avoids SO many problems. Your pot size is fine - I've grown a number of autos in 5 gallon pots and they tend to be larger plants because of it (I'm always doing experiements trying to figure out what MY perfect size pot it). But since it doesn't look like you're giving it a LOT of water, I would recommend doing a small flush.... clear out the nutrients that have built up and get the plant back to a good ph range. A normal flush is to run 3x the amount of water through the pot as the pot size - so growing in a 5 gallon, you would run 15 gallons of water through her. I don't think you have to do all of that since your watering has been minimal (by the time my autos are the size yours is, I'm making sure the entire pot is watered...) - I would tell you to run at least 3 gallons of ph'd water through her and then let her dry out before you start your nutes again... and when you DO re-start your nutes, only give it 1/2 strength. Always follow the water/feed/water/feed schedule (some do 2 waters/1 feed/2 waters/ 1 feed - but I like simple alternating). And ALWAYS make sure your PH is in that good range (6.3, btw, is the "sweet spot"). The biggest question I have for your grow is what are you feeding her? Autoflowers don't need a whole lot of nutes early in their life.... I only grow autos and hold off giving them ANYTHING until it's painfully obvious they need something... and then I start out about 1/4 strength... if the plant handles that, I increase to 1/2 strength... and on... But this particular plant is exhibiting a bad nitrogen toxicity ... it doesn't matter that the other ones may not be showing the same symptoms - each plant will react in their own way - one plant will tolerate it, another won't... which is one reason a lot of growers don't like autos! Good luck... I'm glad you have somewhat of a diary - but try to put in as much information as you can as that will be really helpful if you run into problems/questions in the future.
FishBudstarted grow question 2 years ago
FNG Question: How do you know when to transition from veg nutrients to bloom nutrients? My outdoor autos have gained a lot of height over the past few weeks but I’m not sure what to look for. Most recent nutrients were FOOP V1 60mL / V2 60mL / Sweet 60mL
Feeding. Schedule
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GrowingGrannieanswered grow question 2 years ago
For MY autoflowers (and they're all I grow), I start feeding them bloom nutes from the get-go along with veg nutes... so for ME, the question is "when do I taper off the grow nutes and go solely with the bloom nutes" ... I start tapering off the grow nutes when they go into pre-flower (and boost the bloom nutes) which is usually Week 4 or 5 from germination ... then by week 2 of actual flower, I cut my grow nutes off completely and add additional bloom nutes that have just a touch of nitrogen in them... Hope this helps - good luck!

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Dingle_Dangleweek 0
#OUTDOORGANG Good luck 😉🌞
homerjgangiaweek 0
Good luck with your grow mate!💪💪
love_2_growweek 0
Happy Growing, Buddy! 🌱🌱🌱
DreamITweek 5
Enjoy growth mate 🍀👋🦄