Usual germination method. I find it less stressful for the seeds. Just use a small ramekin, pot or glass. Fill with cold tap water and add a few drops of food grade hydrogen peroxide. This will help oxygenate the seed and help with germination. Leave in a cool, dark place for a few days, checking daily to see if the taproot out yet. When it is. Fill your pot loosely with soil. With autoflowers its best to plant in your forever pot. Fill your pot and flatten the top. I then use the reverse end of my tweezers to make a small slit in soil. Place the seed in the crack you've made, taproot down, lightly cover with some soil. Then using a tea spoon I put a few spoonfuls of the water and hydrogen peroxide it germed in over the top, just enough to start the process. Then get it under my light. And within a few days it should be Sprouted and ready to grow.