Now clearly into flower. Have been bending the tops over so that they don't peek out over the fence. Occasionally a mishap or two where the stem breaks instead of bending. When this happens, I tape the stem with grafting tape and a bamboo skewer if necessary. Most of the time, this is remarkably effective. Sprayed with a biological control that you can't find anymore--Serenade. I still have enough for the remainder of the year. When I run out, maybe I will try the Monterey brand. Bacillus subtilus very effective on powdery mildew as well as botrytis blight. Fungal problems not much of an issue anyway in our drought stricken area this year.
This weekend will put down a generous helping of Dr Earth Flower Girl or Fox Farm Fruit and Flower to tide them over until harvest. I also shored up the branches with bamboo stakes-last year lost quite a bit after a storm. That won't happen again. Fortunately, I have kept the spider mites at bay this year, simply by better irrigation of the surrounding vegetation and monitoring the situation aggressively.