- Prepared the Substrate
- Watered and Pulverized with Areated Hummus Tea immediately after transplant
- Topped with Uncle Ben's technique to get 4 main colas
To get 4 main colas, let your seedling or cutting (clone) grow to about 5-6 nodes and pinch out (cut) the stem just above the 2nd true node. The node where the cotyledons attach doesn't count. The result will be a redistribution of the auxins and other hormones that normally collect in the tissue of the terminal leader's tip. These ho moans will be redistributed to dormant buds that reside in the nodal axis where the leaf petiole attaches to the "trunk", below the cut. The new foliar output response will be quick (within 24 hrs., see photo below) if you have a healthy growing seedling and will be your future main colas - 4 instead of the usual 1 (https://www.rollitup.org/t/uncle-bens-topping-technique-to-get-2-or-4-main-colas.151706/)
The tale of Moby Dick ?!? This one looks great hope you had fun while you did it ?!? Wish you the best of 🤞🍀 luck on your next grow and positive vibes All day !!