Super excited for my first attempt at growing mushrooms. Here’s what the Zamnesia website has to say:
The magic mushroom Psilocybe cubensis Golden Teacher made its first appearance in the late 1980's. The origin is unknown, but what the name refers to is plain to see - the caps have a golden color and the effect can teach you new perspectives. You can expect several flushes - and all you need is a tad of patience.
Happy travels!
Nice start!
Most P. cubensis look the same when they are growing. If you eat them fresh they will be stronger vs dried.
I've done 5 flushes out of a mono tub before. 2nd flush tends to grow fewer mushrooms that are larger in size. and smaller yields after that per flush.
I've also cut it up and spread it out in two tubs to increase surface aria and encourage more fruiting sites after a small recovery period. When its all spent bury it whole in the yard with some compost or manure and they may pop up in a few months time :D
You can also take half the mycelium brick and break it up then mix it into a new tub, it will colonize it like your smaller box right now. but medium needs to be treated/sterilized to prevent opportunistic organisms. stupid simple mix of coir, gypsum and manure works well.
@Growpotkin, no problem :) I think I am better at growing mushrooms then I am weed, Or at least I find it much easier. I should also do a diary if and when I grow them again.
You can also keep the mycelium in "veg" so to speak if you keep the RH high and the FAE or fresh air exchange next to nothing. It gets triggered into fruiting or "flower" when there is more FAE and the RH starts to drop. You will start to notice little knots on the surface of the medium/mycelium, they will turn into fruiting bodies/single mushrooms when triggered. When your fruiting they only need a small bit of light, anything small like ambient sun in a room or even a dinky 5w led from a dollar store. Nothing like a grow light is needed, with out light the fruiting bodies get real long and slender. Can keep them in the dark for all other stages of growth.
Good Luck with it all and happy fruiting!
@Growpotkin, if you plan on growing them again I would. Just place one of the caps on some clean foil and let it sit until it's leaves a spore print (the black dusty looking stuff). You can then make your own syringes and inoculate your own substrate.
@DrizzDr, I got mine from Zamnesia ( They have a bunch of different varietals and kits.
@Crawlndog, thanks! Yeah, really interested to see how it works. Of course we’ve got a cold snap at the minute and the house is a bit cold, so we’ll see…
Amico ha bisogno di condizioni migliori! Il micelio mi sembra a rischio contaminazione quindi massima pulizia i più fanatici dicono di indossare pure la mascherina quando li apri!
Inoltre per proliferare bene devono avere una buona umidità ma non mi sembra il tuo problema ma anche una temperatura costante di 23 gradi consiglio un tappeto o una barra riscaldante che ti aiutino a tenere la temperatura costante!
Altro consiglio fodera la scatola trasparente con del nastro coprente per evitare che nascano funghi anche sotto che ammuffiscono e non sono ottimali!!!!!
Mi raccomando raccogli i funghi prima che si aprino e perdano le loro spore! Nel massimo della pulizia pulisci il micelio metti acqua 12 ore in frigo elimina l'acqua e inizia un nuovo giro con gli accorgimenti che ti ho dato avrai un raccolto migliore!!!
Buona fortuna!!!!