6 plantas en total en un 80x80, el transplante final será a macetas de 11 litros para continuar con el scrog. Todo esto experimentando con un sustrato prearmado y regando sólo con agua.
I love watch grows that going against the rules. You growing in living soil in 11L - its amazing! I will read through your diary very thorough as I will be on same journey soon. 🙌
Could you share your super soil recipe IF you dont mind:
I can see from description you have
35% - SOIL
15% - perlite
30% - coco
20% - OTHER
I am more interested in SOIL and OTHER if you could share info please.
Hi, it was just a experiment, i din't measure anything. Where i'm from, i can't get good quality organic amendments so i just add dry algae (1 lt - 1.5 lt) and worm castings (2lt - 4 lt) for vegetative stage. And "Guano rojo" wich is basically sea birds manure (1lt-1.5lt) for flowering stage.
All this was mixed with a 50 L local organic soil based in coco, perlite, compost, worm castings, mycorrhizae and trichoderma.
Is my first time trying organic grow and I am very surprised with the results achieved.
I love watch grows that going against the rules. You growing in living soil in 11L - its amazing! I will read through your diary very thorough as I will be on same journey soon. 🙌
Una recomendacion si quieres aceptarla bien sino tambien, riega la maceta al maximo y espera la mayor cantidad de dias posible entre riegos.
Guiate del peso de las macetas para volver a regar
Imaginate que la maceta es un tetrabrick de leche si tu coges su peso sabes si esta lleno, por la mitad o vacio o una estimacion bastante cercana verdad? Pues extrapolalo a una maceta con tierra.
El sobreriego viene en la frecuencia del riego no en la cantidad de agua
Sino como es que la planta a sobrevivido sola durante milenios en la naturaleza ella sola? Piensalo
Buena suerte con el cultivo