2 November update:
A big day for Pinhas..!
She moved to a new grow space, with 250 HPS it the center and 120w LED boards each side.
In about a week or so I plan to switch to 12hr light cycle.
She is definitely getting better, and greener :)
The EC now is under control.
Great job mate!! If you want to support, take a look to our new diaries and if you like them remember to like, comment and follow us 👍 It will be appreciated! ❤️
Chilling_Racoons 👨🌾👩🌾
you can see its a lightburn, if you look at pic 3 and 6 in week 7
in pic 3 you see the yellow leaves, and then you take the covering leaves away, ( pic 6) and under that leaves, are green leaves, they have been protected
by the covering leaves.
the good thing is, hemp is resiliant, if you change your settings she will look much better ( the new leaves)