A couple of days ago i started using the biogrow so i'll put it in the next week.
9 days ago I topped the plant, and the reaction was good (I suppose, this is my first plant), so yesterday i started using LST.
I think the next week I'll change the photoperiod to flowering.
@Fedito,buena buena. Si, lo hice por dos razones: 1) es mi primera planta y queria experimentar algunas tecnicas, y 2) cuando lo hice encontré que la planta tenia una altura buena para el tiempo que llevaba, asi que pensé que la recuperación no iba a ser tan "costosa" en terminos de crecimiento. Igual como te comentaba, es mi primera planta y recien estoy cachando que cosas se hacen bien y que cosas mal =(
I don't know what your tricomes look like, but by the white pistils you might want to consider going 10 days or even 2 weeks more before harvest? Just food for thought.
@DarumaCL, sounds perfect. I read one time in a grow bible that if you think your plant is done, wait one week, as there is a 2 week window and if you wait one week you should be in it. It helped saved my harvest one grow, so I like to pass it along.