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9 months ago
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Paintchipz Paintchipz
9 months ago
Making me nervous about the burnt tips hoping I can correct the ph in the medium issue soon.
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Hattiwatticommentedweek 29 months ago
@Paintchipz, you basicly never should just give water in coco. Always nutes with it. And always run uff 10-15%. Theres basicly zero nutrients in coco do if you give just water you flush nutrients away. At the early stages i maybe water it every 3. day. After that you can start feeding everyday. I start my grows with 0.7 to 0.9 ec. Never just water.
DoughHeadcommentedweek 010 months ago
Oh she is growing fast fast damn. Already showing her first true leaves he'll yeah. This is their most sold strain. I believe it'll be great I've yet to try it. Glad I give them to you. Should do great
Paintchipzcommented10 months ago
@@DoughHead, yea bro thanks a lot! Couldn’t have gotten this far without your help.
Hattiwatticommentedweek 29 months ago
Hello. If ph is 5.8 i think problem is most likely something else.
Paintchipzcommented9 months ago
@Hattiwatti, Floraflex, right now it’s about every third day for this particular plan. That’s allowing for dry back.
DoughHeadcommented9 months ago
@Paintchipz, absolutely not. The coco may of come at a certain level, you are doing the right thing by feeding at 5.8.. just keep it up. Once your watering until runoff daily, then the runoff will become closer to the input and only then.. it won't happen before then. Keep in mind coco runoff readings are like chasing a ghost. They fluctuate and are not stable like soil. When I have grown my runoff was always above my input, it was normally 6.2-6.3ph.. You are not that much above, so you hvr nothing to concern. First, look at your new growth. New growth is the direct reflection of the plants health. Your new growth is green, vibrant and leaves are praying. This tells you the environment is dialed in because their praying.. the green lush vibrant colors show the plant is healthy. Older leaves, especially the first few.. Will wilt, turn brown and almost always die. So I wouldn't concern myself with it. Keep thr conditions good, allow for proper dryback between feedings.. this will promote root growth.. but continue feeding. Now is the time these ladies will push! Let's pump 500ppms this next time... you last fed at 258. So 500ppms is double.. so feed 500ppms and double the amount, so 2 cups and yes each cup is 500ppms. Then within a day or two feed 750ppms then the next feed 1000ppms.. you just need to keep bumping it up! She's healthy and happy and loving life so let's push her in the right direction! Great job bub, your killing it.
Hattiwatticommented9 months ago
@Paintchipz, no reason to go lower ph than 5.8. Mess things up just more. How do you measure medium ph? what nutes you are giving? How often do you water?
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Lemonhazelovercommentedweek 010 months ago
Happy growing and good luck buddy ☘️
Paintchipzcommentedweek 39 months ago
Burnt tips again. Last night (3/19) she was fine she was fed on 3/18 but this morning (3/20) she’s looking burnt all over and not good. I had turned the light up about 5% the day prior but I don’t know if that would’ve done this.