The plants were repotted into fabric 7gl grow bags with a mixture of 75% organic potting soil, 25% worm castings and the recommended amount of Gaia Green 4-4-4.
Microryzia was sprinkled on the roots and mixed into the soil around the root ball to promote root growth and development.
LST has begun by pinning down the main line and when side branches get enough length they will be redirected to fill out all portions of the grow bag. With two plants in a 2x2 area I will be shaping them to be oval to minimize contact with the other plant when they reach full size.
Taking pictures on a regular basis is a great way to judge growth. I was disappointed in the growth of the plants until I started with this week's post and reviewed pictures from only 5 days apart and am no longer disappointed in the growth.
Dechlorinated water is kept in the tent to keep it the same temperature as the plants.