The taste is quite nice and the buds smell really nice and are smoking good too. Overall really happy with this outcome. Great plant for a first time grower!
The bio nutrients worked quite well, even though my plant did show some signs of deficiencies, that maybe could have been signs for ph struggles as well. So not too sure here
After some curing in terp loc bags, these are a few of the buds I harvested. I dried them for about 5 days before putting them in the bags. A bit too early as the humidity in the bag was still at 75% from the start. Therefore I took the buds out again let them dry a bit more until the rh in the bag stayed at 63%. These are some of the buds after 2 weeks of curing
@findoutmore, Thank you very much sir. Yeah I defoliated a lot late in flower. I think it could be due to a lot of stress from that. Not too sure though..
Raise your lamp too 18”-24” I find my plants stretch more at 24” I stretch mine until about 3 feet then keep the light on at 18” and it slows it down but they keep stretching up until the last couple weeks
@findoutmore, Thank you very much sir. Yeah I defoliated a lot late in flower. I think it could be due to a lot of stress from that. Not too sure though..