I’m a couple weeks late in starting my journal but here we are. First let me thank Original Sensible Seeds for giving me the chance to grow some of their seeds for them. I have 11 plants again this year but to be less stress on myself, I’m gonna focus only on my sponsored seeds. So I’ve upped my soil game this year and will be growing in Fox Farms/Ocean Forest/Perlite soil (60%/30%/10% roughly) have some extra bags of each to add later when the roots start to really show on top of the soil. Hoping tomorrow might be the day I can toss her outside into her final pot, but worry about my dogs being assholes and ripping everyone out (they’ve already torn out a grape plant) So wish me luck and here’s hoping the dogs allow them to grow.
I know a lot of copy and paste but everyone is pretty much the same. More details for each once we really start growing
@BigBudGuy, for some reason my measurements and all other details went screwy on me. I thought I cleared it all up with yesterdays posting but it keeps screwing me again and again
Hey Mate, your babys looking great as always🙏🏽 would you reccomend the strain so far & by the way, whats your favourit strain you smoked so far? Always on the look for some exotic genetics 😎
Keep up the good work & Check out mine, maybe i can learn some from you👌🏽🍀
Don‘t forget to like & follow if you don‘t mind Brother 😘❤️