
Outdoor Autos (NL, PH, CJ)

5 hours ago
Grow Conditions
Week 4
12 hrs
Light Schedule
7+ conditions after
Commented by
MumbaTuu MumbaTuu
16 days ago
7/7 Weather hasn’t been great, so these are a little stunted. Added some more soil due to stretching. Watering every 2-3 days and giving notes with every other watering.
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Grow Questions
MumbaTuustarted grow question a month ago
So these 3 autos (and 1 photo) keep stretching a bit. I gave them a bit more soil. Is it okay to leave them outside in the sun already? It’s around 20 degrees celcius and partially cloudy. Photone says ~400 PPFD with Homemade diffuser. Planto put in final pots in 1-2 weeks
m0useanswered grow question a month ago
If its cloudy it will be fine. If its sunny put them in part shade. If a plant is going to be grown outdoors I like to give them as much sun as possible if the weather is good. It will help them adapt to the light. Given these where started in doors they will need a small hardening off period. Let them experience the wind and sun in small exposures then work up to longer ones before transplanting them into full sun. DLI or PPFD from anything that is not a real light meter with a quantum par sensor is just a guesstimate, its not that accurate. its really only accurate when calibrated with a proper light meter. HOWEVER it is consistent, so if it says 400PPFD and they are growing well. aim for that amount, just realize it is not really 400PPFD. I fuck aorund with alight meter in my honey mints diary aorund week 5, it was nice. I got the reading for my tent and current lights. Also looked at windows aorund me and outside. its cazy how much stronger light is in some areas. Good Luck!
MumbaTuustarted grow question 14 days ago
With autos, is it worth removing the lowest leaves and adding more soil at this point? I could probably add 5-10cm of soil if I remove/bury the lowest set of leaves. Worth it or more harm than good? If yes, remove or just bury them? Thanks
AsNoriuanswered grow question 14 days ago
5 -10 cm is too much, every one or two weeks you can add 1-2 cm lair, not more. autos has short span, no need to rip anything outdoors, you wont win anything. canna is same as tomatoes or potatoes, will create new roots from burried stem, but dont go drastically up, do in levels.
MumbaTuustarted grow question 4 hours ago
Any organic ways to deal with aphids, when the plants are in (early) flower? It’s not TOO bad yet, but I catch one here and there. Thanks
BerrySweetHighanswered grow question 4 hours ago
Hello MumbaTuu, Check the article below for all the options to kill these f*ckers! Happy Growing Buddy! 💚

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Hologramweek 0
happy growing with lots of sunshine!!😎👌
resi_maxweek 0
Good luck and happy growing! 😁