BeefWellingtonscommentedweek 16 years ago
Good of you to get that cal-mag supplement in there with the purple stems. I like your hydro basin. I wanted to make one from home depot myself, but I don't have enough space for that big basin. Good luck with your grow!! Always thought it would be perfect for two plants. What size are your net cups? Are they 2 inch or 4 inch? They look like 2 but it's hard to tell. You should get some duct tape and cover the edges and cutout so you keep light out of your basin. I would also suggest getting some hydroguard for your roots, it will keep them happy and healthy and it battles against pythium and other root rot causing crap. Also, do you have some serious air stones in there under each netcup? Feel free to Pm me if you have any questions.
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