Getting pretty frosty up in here! Should be some good smoke! It's day 65, I'm thinking about starting flush on day 70, is this too early? I'm going to flush for atleast 7 days
Day 69 and the girls are starting to ripen!
thanks for the reply👍 I've cut back on watering, but I defitnely overwatered at first because my run off ph was still really high, 6.6 ph for coco is not optimal, so I watered heavy with 5.8 ph water every other dayto drop it down closer to that sweet spot
@Stanthaman,I strongly suggest you to look this vid
Then this 6 episodes :
Before playing with nutes and supplements like a mad chemist 😊
@Bstoner, I'm in Coco and I did not feed them at all until they started to yellow. They started to yellow because they had no nutrients in the coco to uptake, because coco has no nutritional value to it. I see what you're saying, but you're thinking I had been feeding them before I had a deficiency, which I was not. Hope this clears things up
@Stanthaman,i mean when you saw a defficiency coming up you gave less nutrients, you mentioned a " light feed ", giving them just plan ph'ed water in that case instead of a light feed would help them recover easier imo
@JUNGLE_B4RNS, my goal was to supercrop it for 12 hours and let the lower nodes catch up, It seems to have worked a little, just an experiment gone a little too extreme😬 You're right though I should have had them in a trellis if I was going to supercrop like that, it was way to much on the plant