420oshawacommentedweek 26 years ago
mine were a flop but the company leads you to believes all errors are yours and never a bad batch of seeds lol. I know I had 3 packages of 3 seeds that are equal to 9 plants and was lucky all together 8 grams in total. yeah it is us... never their issue because they seem to be perfect but yes they may of had a plant producing bad seeds if this was your issues at all ?? Like i say no thing is perfect but the fruiy pebbles og i have going are doing great so I know it was not my doings and were bad seeds.. could of yoy boughten your seeds back in may last year ?? I have come across a few people why complaned about their BlackBerry seeds and told me they said it was basically every bit the growers fault when we are booth a 2006 and a 2008 treating yourself cup winners... but we dont know what we both were doing righttttt....... so no point complaning to them... they dont keep customers happy far as I see it. i go with Dinafem now because they know how to keep customers happy as eell as Kannabia seeds
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