She needs more light! I'm not sure if it's just the light or due to me using the same mix of nutrients for all the plants for a while, where this one has responded worse to the high micro-elements added as well as absorbing more of the added nitrogen, but the smell makes up for that. She is giving off a strong fruit/berries sour-strawberry-lemon-sweetness I have never experienced in a grow before. As I see no amber yet I'll just keep pushing her to harvest, and keep trying to find a nutrient-mix that works better for the next grow as this one is a keeper!
She has the potential, but I need to get to know this strain better and I will 😍. As the grow is nearing harvest I'll get some pots ready to do another round + red-hot-cookies grow; hoping to find a deep-red phoeno and explore 2 more strains from sweet seeds - Purple punch & Gorilla girl! 😘.
I have put her on a heavy P-K diet, reinforced with CalMag, completely void of N; Even if I cannot get a perfect fade before harvestg I'm hoping the deeper green will transform into light green or even yellow tones before harvest!
I want to pinch off some popcorn bud and smoke her r.n, but at the same time I want to maxxx harvest and not stress her either. 10-25% amber -- chop! My guess is 2-3 more weeks.
50W for this big lady plus some passive LED light from the main grow is a bit on the lower end.. Hopefully I get some good swelling now when she recieves 100W.
hey there! Those Plants look happy! SVFLK is probably one of the most superb "lemon" strains out there. Other strains just dont smell and taste this lemony and good.....
happy grow! :)
@Bread_n_Buds, Thanks for the heads-up and for dropping by m8!
A friend gifted me a pack of red hot cookies from sweet seeds like few months ago and the plants were extremely symmetrical & had a very instagram friendly appeal to them. I got hooked pretty much day 2 as the cotolydon was peeking out I admit xD.
Extremely aggressive & symmetrical growth,on this specimen too, even the seed looked pristine; just having a slightly wrinkled/bruised cotyledon xD
Love ur photos; huge fan! 'Me Gusta!-- 🤩👌.