So after watering with nutrients in 750ml water,it took a while for the plant to uptake it all.also I realised I put in to much nutrients so I watered it today with shogun start2.5ml and 1 litre of water at ph level 6.5. So maybe it will help with the to much nutrients situation.leafs were twisting and turning, which I believe is more because of the excess nutrients rather than excess water. Now everything looks ok but gave it water only with shogun start to help break things down and help roots. I had 2 fan leafs at the bottom part that was totally covering some good bud sites,so I snipped them(maybe a wrong idea) I also had to do very minute Lst to 1of the branches due to it being in the shade and I can't snip it due to it being a bud site. I just used a clip. Also you can see little brown-ish dot that -to me shows excess of nutrients. So that's why water only this time.(less learned-pay more attention.l.o.l). I know i have stated there is a weak smell this week and last but it's only the natural leaf smell not the actual product.