Another week has flown by!
The thrips problem hasn’t been fully resolved yet, but I only see 1-2 of them occasionally on the plant. They’ve stopped munching on the leaves, which makes me believe that Leaf Coat is doing its job.
Overall, the plant is thriving and looking great. I continue doing light LST and occasionally defoliate leaves that block young branches from getting enough light.
My SF1000 lamp is running at full 100 watts, but it’s positioned 45 cm above the canopy. The plant isn’t centered under the lamp because Cinderella Jack is still in the box. In just a week, CJ will be ready to harvest and dry, freeing up more space for this grow.
This week, I watered the plant twice, each time with 750 ml on Day 24 and Day 28.
That’s all the updates for now. Thank you for following my grow diaries, and I wish everyone successful grows in the new year!