So the lemon cherry cookies both started preflower on the same day... like a clockwork.
They are both rly small but they seemed to start growing again the last days. I'm wondering if I'll get even 5 g per plant lol.
Hi everyone, so my plants are still really small 19 days after putting they're heads out of the soil.
I started LST January the 6th .
The temperature is quiet low, the earth is always wet just had to water them 2 times so far...
Possibly stunt growth? Or are they still recoverin?
Too early ( would give 3-4 cm up extra, then would do ), too heavy ( because leaves cant touch medium ) , wrong wire ( i would go with thick, it has softer plastic around, harms less ).
Swap from grow to bloom feed gradual over next 2-3 weeks or how you see fit..
You still want nitrogen as she is still growing, not as much N when in flower that is it.. every1 makes it sound difficult.