Overall great job man. If you want to increase your yields it’s a product of doing everything optimal that you can within budget. I know you might scared of heat but HPS are better spread and intensity and double ended have way less heat than you think, I ran 4 1000 watters all the way up in michigan winter, 10x10 tent no issues at all with heat perfect 78F huge yield with more heat and intensity of spread. LED is too focused and weak especially the blurples COB LEDs are the only ones that can come close to an HPS but you’ll need to spend 1000$ on a light to get there. Not worth it, the heat is your friend. It’s gonna be ok I promise, Get a double ended 1000w HPS fixture from vivosun for 189$ https://vivosun.com/products/1000w-double-ended-grow-light-fixture?variant=29808503750701&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Google%20Shopping¤cy=USD&gclid=CjwKCAiAyc2BBhAaEiwA44-wW-GD29TB9qWOazndnnpBnbRUXKBemA8NYd96XZ9BKtrVjjY8amP1sxoC7LMQAvD_BwE
You should then buy a nice bulb for it, this really separates your light from others. lumagro Canada (best, longest lasting and 9% more UV and blue light than competitors for more terpenes and quality/Potency)... just get Luma from Canada and wait for shipping. Ushio or hortilux DE HPS are also very well built and long lasting bulb they will last 1 year+, also 65-75$. Vivosun bulbs are not great & will last 1 maybe 2 cycles. However Vivosun ballasts and reflectors are just as good as gavita, phantom, etc. Luma out of Canada is best for 65$. HPS has dial to dim down to 400, 600, 850 etc if heat is an issue. Hang it high as you can In the tent with zip ties skip the ratchets you need every inch of height.