4 x Banana Mint
4 x Frozen Candy
4 x Kool Whipped
4 x Ice Cream Sundae
Germination went well, all seeds made it without issues except with for one dud that sunk straight to the bottom of jar of water during part of the germination process,
I planted the "dud" to see if it would pop later anyway in a starter seedling container and put with the others under the 19-Watt White Full Spectrum LED light hanging 24 inches from them.
I used Miracle-Gro Performance Organics all purpose in ground soil in 1 liter bottles that were cut in half.
Temperatures for daylight and nighttime seem ideal right now with about 71 F at night and 77 F during the day.
Towards the end of the week I raised the light fixture from 24 inches to 28 inches.