Day 46 from seed for the first of the FastBuds photo testers. The return continues, FFT1 is gaining size and colour, so much so its just amongst the general plants now. I wanted to assess the root zone and growth so I transplanted to a slightly larger container. My primary soil mix was: 10 parts HP Pro Mix: 5 parts worm castings: 1 part Fox Farms Happy Frog soil, and Myke Herbs and Vegetables mycorrhizae. So far so good, just water as it uses soil amendment. Things are looking up!
@The_Bearded_Grower, fair enough. I don’t compete with anybody. I think you’d get a similar size in less time, if there weren’t any issues early on. 🤙🏻
Good to see other testers on the site ... I just began germination on my set of testers I decided to go with FBT 05,06,08,10,11, and 12, basically all the indica or mostly indica strains for my first run, I actually had to restart 10,11, and 12 today, 10 and 12 just weren't growing and I thought 11 was doing the same but was actually growing just taking awhile. I'll be following your grow to see how FBT 01 grows before growing my own, GOOD LUCK!
@Mr_Weeds_Autos, no issue with FF1 so far, very strong. Outperforming other seedlings that are struggling. I have FF2, 3, 4, 5 germinating at the moment.