zerogravitycommentedweek 147 years ago
Hi guys,
My 2 royal cookies are close to harvest. one in particular. the second look ike it has another week.
I am finishing week 8. by royal queen the plants should be ready to harvest at week 8-9.
few questions:
1. The cookies plant which seems to be close to be ready, has around 70% of the hairs - brown. should it be 100% brown?
2. I am also following the trichomes. they are partial glassy and partial milky. but none of them is amber or in other color than glassy / milky. should I wait to see the fist few trichomes which are amber and than to harvest immediately?
3. Is it possible to have a situation where the hairs of the plant are 60-70% brown and part of the trichomes turned amber?
4. I flashed the two cookies royal yesterday for the first time. It might be to late for the plant which seems to be ready in the next few days.
nevertheless, my question is with regard to the other plant (sativa). I remind you all that I am finishing week 8 now. By royal queen recommendation - these plants should be ready to harvest at week 10-11. So... when to start flashing them? at the middle of week 9? earlier? later?
thank you very much
best regards
waiting to here from you....
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