shreddedminiyeetscommentedweek 15 years ago
@kaneownz, I started my newest ones in 1/4 strength and they seem happy. I just use the 321 ratio, full strength to me is 3.6g of Jack’s + 2.4g of CalNit + 1.2g of Epsom per 1 gal of water which I think is the standard, some people will do 2.5g of CalNit but I have had a good response with 2.4 on every strain. I went to full strength with these at week 2 or 3 iirc. The only issues I’ve had while using Jacks was missing watering and that’s on me. After week 3 nothing changes you just stay at that strength and should be fine. These plants are almost wrapped up and I just finished two other tents of different strains that all used the same nutrient formula without any deficiencies.
I really love Photosynthesis Plus as well during veg. I might add mammoth p or tribus during flower but that’s all I’ve been considering
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