My Diy grow closet. Stiff cardboard covered in space blankets lol. Got my girls in 2 five gallon food grade buckets placed inside a tote to catch run off. It's not fancy but it'll do.
My Diy grow closet. Stiff cardboard covered in space blankets lol. Got my girls in 2 five gallon food grade buckets placed inside a tote to catch run off. It's not fancy but it'll do.
Germinated seed on 12/17/2017. Germinated seed in final pot to avoid transplanting.
OH, and heads up for you frugal freddys/recyclers you can get free 5 gallon food grade buckets at almost any bakery, dunkin doughnuts and a bunch of other fast food chains. Just call up and ask if they have any. They throw them away all the time.
@Greeneyed_Ganja_Goddess, @Zannabis7, Happens to me all the time lmfao! At least there is an "edit" button for your own posted comments... I'll type something out and then post it only to realize it only made sense in my stoned brain 😉
@Zannabis7, lmao I thought it was a brand! I've heard it somewhere else before. Or I think I have.... Idk, dangers of internetting while high I guess haha
Wow, good job, i wanted to start using himalayan sole salt because of the trace minerals in there as a little additive to my nutrients but when i googled about it people were saying they are using salt as a herbicide to kill weeds so i ended up not using it, now i am making my new batch of sole salt and will surely add a few drops along with the nutrients tonight, do you really use 1.3g per 1l of himalayan salt?
I wanted to add molasses about third week before harvest, it supposedly enhances the taste and smell of the flowers, i don't want the cannabis to smell all the way downstairs, too lol
@Horus333, thanks! Yeah this is my first grow ever and I just did as much research as possible to figure out how to naturally give the plant everything she needs. And part of that said to add back those trace minerals to your water. Especially if you use RO water bc everything has been so filtered out. I did 1 tsp in a gallon and only did it like every 3rd watering. And alternated doing salt, compost tea, molasses, and a all organic pre mixed fertilizer with all kinds of good crap in it. I never once saw any kind of deficiency. It was almost too easy once I figured out my recipes and tracked down everything locally. That part was a pain in the ass.
@Greeneyed_Ganja_Goddess, That's pretty rad! See I have no clue yet about the sciences of making your own organic nutrients (Although it fascinates me tremendously lol). I trust BioBizz organic nutrient line simply because they have worked for every grow I've ever had! They do it right and make caring for your plants nutritional needs a breeze! Mad props for taking it up a notch, Your Gal is beautiful and will blow are minds away when she buds 😀
@BudKingsGrow, thanks! I put up some current pics I took today. I tried to create my own "super soil" as a medium. And for nuts I am using molasses, himalayan salt, and liquid compost (with guano, bone meal, fish and all kinds of other yummy stuff) mixed into RO water.
Looks like you off to a great looking start. Nice job! I am attempting my first "topless" SCROG (trying to bend instead) with 6 different strains right now, of which one is Pineapple Express. It would be cool if you would like/follow along and we can support one another throughout the grow. - Zannabis7
@Zannabis7, thank you 😊! I never heard of topless Scrog but that maybe what I am actually trying to do when I do my LST. And I'm all down for supporting each other. With this being my first grow I really feel like I need someone to hold my hand and reassure me I'm not doing something horribly wrong lol.
She's looking good! It's really hard to compare size on a grows like these, because there are so many different variables that makeup the grow - And there's no wrong way either. Even if we repeat a finished grow and do it the same with the same genetics, each plant is different! Your Lady looks healthy and ready for the pre-bud stretch, so get ready for the fun part 😀
Looking awesome some great cola formation going on 😀 I love this strain my house smells amazing 😂 some of the densest buds I've ever grown rock solid . Loving your work 😉👊
What a killer grow and for a first grow it was certainly top notch. Homemade nutrients to boot! Wowza! Nicely done! Once we get you over to the Nectar family and get the air circulation rectified you will be killing it for sure. You are most definitely the Green-eyed Green Thumbed Ganja Goddess! Woot woot!