#RPA_D1 Ifrit - Her first day of this sweet seeds autoflowering strain, this is a second colture, first time I used 200W CFL lights and the growt strenght wasn't so good. This time with 300W LED I hope those babys grow bigger and healty.
#RPA_D2 Ifrit
#RPA_D3 Ifrit
#RPA_D1 Ifrit - Her first day of this sweet seeds autoflowering strain, this is a second colture, first time I used 200W CFL lights and the growt strenght wasn't so good. This time with 300W LED I hope those babys grow bigger and healty.
First Week Growing - As already mentioned in the comments in the photos, this is a second cycle of cultivation. in the previous cycle I found several problems, both growth and genetics (at least for the red poison). The change of lighting already gives its results from the early hours, slightly faster growth, leaf thickening and robustness of the stem. nothing to say regarding fertilizers, biocanna has an excellent range of products, easy to adjust and above all biological which makes the taste much better. BTW this first week of growth leaves me pleasantly satisfied for both varieties, I have preferred the soil before cultivation, specific that everything that is used is completely biological even the pH correctors. Hope you all will enjoy my first diary of therapeutic marijuana.