Stretching tall into flower still bullying tops over couple times a day and are still tied down fluctuations in humidity in the greenhouse from when I water everyone so try to only water her when she needs it feed every three days don’t know if this is heavy but she’s enjoying it loads of sites still a small plant but only as I’ve made her that way have looked at a few diaries and have seen this plant go to over 100 days hoping for some juicy fruits by then looking forward to giving more updates as have dumped this on in one last picture was from this afternoon after a big defoliation feed 2.5ml per L biobloom in morning and watered with 20% run off or so just a little lockdown project and a first time grow I’m quite happy with even just on appearance. ✌️ Peace growmies 🤙
Absolute beast. It's funny to see how the same seed can yield two different plants depending on how it's grown. I wish I had small garden or even greenhouse. While itd be great to let canna rip in dirt and sun, for me it'd be more to grow my own vegetables especially peppers.
@Elek007, garden space is a joy to have! Lived in flats for most my adult life so making the most now an I have a few peppers on the go and many other things allotments are great for meeting awesome people in the community too!