
My very first indoor grow

4 years ago
Room Type
Grow medium
15 L
Pot Size
5 L
Grow Conditions
Week 1
20 hrs
Light Schedule
11+ conditions after
Commented by
sh1m13 sh1m13
5 years ago
Hello guys, I have decided to grow 4 plants in my 80x80x200 cm. Do you think it is too many plants for this size of the tent? I will have 3 or 4 fans in there so hopefully air circulation will be good. I will be using Botanicare products and grow in COCO.I hope that you can share with me all your experiences on my way to my first succesfull harvest. Two weeks ago I tried to plant 4 seeds of Barneys Glookies, but I did a massive mistake and watered them with Cal-Mag and Liquid Karma which stunned them and most of the seeds didnt grow at all. Only two seeds grew half inch tall and were stunned even after week without growing roots at all.. Lesson learned and i bought more seeds , this time autoflowering, I planted them in Coco ,without any fertilizers, only watering them with water PH 6.2 First week they grew nicely , but now i see them growing slowly, so i guess it is time to use some fertilizers after 6 days in Coco? Do yo think they grow slowly? i see that some people have in week two already couple of sets of true leaves..
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Grow Questions
sh1m13started grow question 5 years ago
is it time to use some fertilizers after 6 days in Coco?
Feeding. Schedule
Fruitgroweranswered grow question 5 years ago
No wait a week, its very small. And always start on like 1/2 recommended dosage 🌱👍
sh1m13started grow question 4 years ago
hello there, Let me ask you your opinions about my Blue Dream Auto? plant is 6 weeks old, showing some spots on leaves , can you educate me what are those symptoms and how to avoid them in the future please?
Leaves. Other
GMSgrowsanswered grow question 4 years ago
If your in fabric planters then your probably at the point your roots are filling the planters and their getting hard to get water through the entire root system leaving dry spots. In soil only a little cal/mag once every couple weeks. Look to see if water, feed is going down and coming out the sides, if so you definitely have areas not getting wet. Cheers friend
Momgrowsthechronicanswered grow question 4 years ago
I think you might be at the threshold of what your plant can handle for nutrients. I see that you have yellow tips, a tiny bit of leaf clawing and a few tips/spots that appear to be a little fried/dying/crispy. With my auto’s, I generally never feed more than half strength nutes unless you have a monster of a plant or I’m using an organic slow time release fertilizer. Autoflowers are usually much smaller than their photoperiod sisters and simply don’t require the same amount of food to thrive/survive. If you have not flushed her yet, try it. You might have a build up of left over toxins/salts from over feeding the bottled nutrients too- that in combination with the plant being pushed to her limits... could go either way. If you flush her out really well, maybe multiple waterings in a row- she should recover 100%. Overall I think your plant looks amazing but recognizing her limits is important. My theory on fertilizer is simple- less is more... start low because you can always increase the dose as your plant grows but if you use too much- you can’t take it back. Great job so far, good luck and all the best growing forward! 🇨🇦
sh1m13started grow question 4 years ago
Can you share your opinions about this form of leaves yellowing on buds please?
Leaves. Color - Yellow
Mrs_Larimaranswered grow question 4 years ago
ok lets talk about your plant, and then about flushing Your plant is totally nice and green and the pistils are fully white, she looks like she would flower for 3-4 more weeks wait until leaves are changing to autumncolors// fading out.... pistils are orange at 75 percent at least and trichomes look at them with a magnifier, and they got to be milky at least... to have potential Ich would check the distance to the lights too... because the last 5 cm of the flower grows alittle weirted, nearly like reveg ( but some strains grow like this and yes flushing.... Flushing is a modern myst...... i let you the link to a study here and one for ready to harvest plants

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DreamOncommentedweek 124 years ago
Looks amazing! Enjoy the puffs! 💨 😎
Mrs_Larimarcommentedweek 124 years ago
well you asked and you get an answer..... your Plant dont look ready at all. all pisitls are white, plant is lush green.... she would love to flower 3 more Weeks and double budsize. and the last 5 cm of your Plant looks like she wants to reveg,,,,,, that means one leaf a flower, another leaf another flower..... and that little discoloring is no problem at all solution... chek your Timer if its still 12/ 12....... but some strains flower like your Gorls so i think its no big thing with 1 leaf one flower let her flower for 3 more Weeks until the whole plant has changed like discoloring // autumncolr leaves, orange/ brown pistils around 75 percent and milky trichomes at least ( we havent been talking about trichomes I let you some pictures here, from ready to harvest pictures and lets talk about flushing,,,,,,, its amodern myth... it makes not difference if you flush or not.... the only thing if you flush... your plant is starving here is alink to a study
sndwichcommentedweek 74 years ago
I would defoliate all the biggest fans first to help make some room in the canopy and get light down to the bottom, i'd image you'll have a few lower leaves that are loosing colour anyway due to lack of light so get rid of them first Best of luck and happy growing bro D x
Momgrowsthechroniccommentedweek 74 years ago
Try leaf tucking instead of defoliation. Super easy, effective and it means that you can save the true defoliation for the weeks leading up to harvest. Cheers!