
No till no chems outdoor 100% natural

4 years ago
Room Type
weeks 1, 3-4, 6-16
weeks 4, 6-16
Grow medium
100 L
Pot Size
30 L
Grow Conditions
Week 4
Day Air Temperature
No Smell
7+ conditions after
living soil
100 ml/l
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
FR_PhenoFinder FR_PhenoFinder
4 years ago
She is doing great so far, I am really excited to see her flower, both parents seem awesome (Sour Grape Kush x Animal Cookies (SGK Snow White Cut))
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Grow Questions
FR_PhenoFinderstarted grow question 4 years ago
I need to dilute comfrey manure at 10% but I was wondering if I am used to putting 10-20L of water per day, how much diluted liquid manure can I put on her ? I was asking this because I bought the comfrey liquid manure at 8Euros for 2.5 L and I was wondering how long it wil last
Feeding. Other
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Bloombusteranswered grow question 4 years ago
Приветствую, бро! 👋 Навоз долго остается а почве, бро! В навозе зачастую превышена концентрация калия и бора, будь осторожнее с навозом, не переусердствуй, т.к. излишний навоз будет тормозить на цветении образование и наращивание соцветий....они конечно вырастут, но не такими большими, какими могли бы вырасти. Рекомендую использовать жидкий навоз в половину от рекомендаций органических растениеводов! Прекратить внесение навоза в последнюю неделю вегетации, чтоб была в запасе неделя на переработку и усвоение последней дозы! 👌😇👍 Удачи, бро!
FR_PhenoFinderstarted grow question 4 years ago
Hey guys what's uuup, I see more and more of those white spots on my Sugar Tits and I wonder if it is wpm or something else, thank you for the help :)
Leaves. White powder
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Bloombusteranswered grow question 4 years ago
Это может быть следствием нападения паразитов, видны некоторые прокусы листвы (сквозные отверстия). Если ты выращиваешь под открытым небом (outdoor), тогда это скорее всего паразиты.... в этом году паразиты, к сожалению, активны. И многие, кто выращивает на улице и не использует пестициды - страдают от нападений вредных насекомых! Я бы рекомендовал понаблюдать за незванной жизнью на растении, под его листочками, на стволе. Может вы найдёте кладку яиц паразитов под листвой. Нападения могут быть как в дневное время, так и в ночное. Если подтвердится моя догадка, то рекомендую поскорее начать использовать натуральный природный пестицид - масло neem! В интернете есть рецепты как его подготовить в правильных пропорциях для полива в субстрат или для опрыскивания листвы после захода Солнца. Чаще требуется многоразовое применение, для того чтоб паразиты отступили от вашей девочки! От 3 до 10 раз рекомендуют применять, для должного эффекта борьбы с незваными гостями! 😇👌 Удачи, друг! ✊😇
FR_PhenoFinderstarted grow question 4 years ago
Hey my plant has 10 flowering weeks and it has not shown any bud yet, is it possible to build a greenhouse around it so it does not freeze or will it just lack of wind ? What can I do to make her flower? Like a stressing technique? Also when do you start counting the days? ty 👌
Buds. Other
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Justa_Retardanswered grow question 4 years ago
Uhhm.. Sorry to say, but your plant has 0 "flowering weeks" You could definitely build a greenhouse around it to try and keep out the cold. Stem looks pretty strong, so don't think a lack of wind will be a problem. - What you can do to make her flower, is wait I guess.. That or figure out a way to seal off the greenhouse, so you can completely darken it for 12 hours a day.. That should make her start flowering.

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growdoctordccommentedweek 64 years ago
“ ... I wonder that they will take the sun from the other buds on the canopy. “ Never worry about this extremely commonly held incorrect belief. Defo helps veg growth and inhibits mold, and is important. Once in flower a plant shares its resources for ALL the flowers to prosper. Buds, meaning the stacking of calyx atop one other, are not photosensitive- they absorb and consume and utilize light at a fraction of the rate leaves do. Read that again. I’ll wait right here ... Buds do not use and therefore don’t need direct light. Bubble burst, I know. But it’s true. Defo dead or dying leaves during flower. Defo thick veg growth that could contribute to mold. Then get out of the way and let your plants finish in as low RH as you can create. Enjoy your harvest
growdoctordccommented4 years ago
I keep watering but minimally at half thru flower. They sip, they don’t gulp. Make em work to create essential oil
Korfercommented4 years ago
@growdoctordc, oh yeah I stop watering some days before cut, I've noticed an improvement too
growdoctordccommented4 years ago
@Korfer wrote “Could photosynthesis deprivation work as a late flowering stress that increases trichome production too?” I don’t know. Maybe. Many believe in an extended dark period before harvest. We can take a lesson from the fragrance industry - they typically deprive flowers of moisture toward the end to force the plants to make their own moisture. This ups the terpene production. Seems to work for cannabis. I give minimal water and keep RH at 35-40%
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growdoctordccommentedweek 94 years ago
@FR_PhenoFinder @Korfer and I had a private moment within your post because we are old friends. Thanks for your indulgence. And hopefully you learned something. Keep at it! You always get better
FR_PhenoFindercommented4 years ago
@growdoctordc, Yes no worries, I like discovering new things ! Thank you mate !
QuantumSkiescommentedweek 124 years ago
looks great, good luck on your grow
FR_PhenoFindercommented4 years ago
@QuantumSkies, Ahaha thanks mate !! I want them all kind of nuggets, just like pokemon, gotta catch em all ! :D
QuantumSkiescommented4 years ago
@FR_PhenoFinder, thank you very much. stop playing your pheno finder. I know you got some good dank 👌
FR_PhenoFindercommented4 years ago
@QuantumSkies, I hope so ! Well if I get a lot, I'm not against the idea of sharing a bit with a friend grower and having fun while smoking! Same friend, good luck with your babies !
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Korfercommentedweek 94 years ago
Bushy! Lovely LST 👍
FR_PhenoFindercommented4 years ago
@Korfer, We will see about that ! I have never tried any of her parents so I'm happy to do so with her !
Korfercommented4 years ago
@FR_PhenoFinder, hopefully a dessert pheno :P
FR_PhenoFindercommented4 years ago
@Korfer, Yes, Sour Grape Kush x Animal Cookies !
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InhaleXhalecommentedweek 174 years ago
what a nice strain name :D
FR_PhenoFindercommented4 years ago
@InhaleXhale, Ultra Genetics
InhaleXhalecommented4 years ago
@FR_PhenoFinder, who is the breeder ?
FR_PhenoFindercommented4 years ago
@InhaleXhale, Indeed ! And it is tastyyyy, big up to the breeder !
kingmcdaidcommentedweek 124 years ago
Looking good
FR_PhenoFindercommented4 years ago
@kingmcdaid, Thanks mate !
alchemistcommentedweek 114 years ago
I like your grow 👍I to have a cat that likes my plants.
FR_PhenoFindercommented4 years ago
@alchemist, Thank you ! It's so nice !! ;)
LaFrenchCulturecommentedweek 104 years ago
Large bush in formation😲
FR_PhenoFindercommented4 years ago
@LaFrenchCulture, Yes ! I will update soon some more pictures she's even bushier than a week ago, she loved the huge rains, but I see some WPM on her :/
FrenchConnection_cplcommentedweek 64 years ago
Belle culture naturelle en out :) .... niveau odeurs en flo ça va ?
FR_PhenoFindercommented4 years ago
@FrenchConnection_cpl, Merci :) Niveau odeur pour l'instant ça va elle a pas trop commencé sa flo, là elle quand je m'approche à 4/5 mètres !
Ferenccommentedweek 94 years ago
Beautiful big girl! @FR_PhenoFinder
FR_PhenoFindercommented4 years ago
@Ferenc, Thank you very much ! I hope to see the genetics of her parents in this one ! I have never tried any of the strains (Sour Grape Kush x Animal Cookies)