Holy moly these plants are animals when it comes to eating right now .. They are getting the #futureharvest lineup and have been also getting the #miicrobialmass on the off weeks to increase the soils microbe count .. They we're fighting aphids but this week I havnt been able to find any and still have been spraying every two days lightly just enough to cover undersides of leaves . They both have been stacking up quickly and with the rate that these buds are bulking up I will have some very dense solid nugs at the end of flowering .. They both smell very good fruity with undertones of floral or musk like wood smell . Over all I am very happy with these ladies and the quality from @divineseeds has to offer and with better training and a longer vegetation time these two plants could have easily filled this 4x4 with a sea of green and long dense colas !! Next week's pictures will be fire I know it ..