Day 81 for the two Trainwreck clones. One week of flowering complete, eight weeks of flowering to go. Getting tall and stretching. I gave dilute 24-8-16 All Purpose Miracle Grow earlier in the week to top up and make sure it wasn’t eating into the fan leaves yet and just water since. Its quite hot in the tent and the Trainwreck clearly is tapping out based on the ridged leaves. I’ve seen already crystally Trainwreck do well under HPS so I expect a better show once the buds really kick in.
Looking good. Be careful on those pests mate, easier to prevent then clear an infestation. Is your timewreck a TGA strain? I've seen a few of those finish very heavy covered in frost.
@@@BeanswithPork,I'll check them out. Thanks for getting back to me. All your growing for this current run looks like it's coming out dank, I'm watching your slurricane journal hard lol. love the genetics you pick